With some many experts here I thought someone will maybe get a 4x18650 and coupled it with some xml2 u3 to mass produce
that’ll suppose to make much difference ?
I hope there will be SkyRay King V2
XM-L2 T6/U2 with mid mode or UltraFire C20 UI alike…
Hi > Lo (5~100 dimming, long pressing 3 seconds under Hi / Lo mode) > Fast Strobe (Continuously fast click switch button twice when in Hi / Lo mode) > SOS (Continuously fast click under fast strobe mode)
This! It might provoke me into buying one, ideally 3s to the emitters although I already have a plan for this involving another light…
yeah 40$ shipped in variety of colours + new Leds in the same soda can is good config for me. even though i still find the TR J12 more useful as a hammer then SKR
You can build your own super DRY flashlight with 3x XML2 U3 on copper plating in direct mode. :)
I always thought the SRK was a horribly ugly light .
Maybe so but it's still my prettiest light :D
true, although its output is benchmark. Nothing comes close at just under $50.
New lil rook thrower..26650
ooh nice, but i’ll wait until fasttech carry them… i don’t trust most alibaba seller
+1 on that... Until I actually got one. I was initially not impressed by the unusual styling. I had picked this light up intending to re-sell it, but I ended up liking it much more than I expected (or wanted to)! Once you actually have the SRK in hand, it just feels good! It has a solid heft and is comfortable to hold. The excellent performance and easy UI has made it my new go-to outdoors light. Like the LCR, this usually-styled light is quickly becoming a favorite.
That is a great looking light! I already put in a request for it with FastTech. Looking forward to seeing what they can sell it for. The basic design and dimensions of the Rook coupled with the great runtime of a 26650 cell and possessing a tailcap lockout for zero parasitic drain when sitting. Looks like a win/win/winner to me!!

With some many experts here I thought someone will maybe get a 4x18650 and coupled it with some xml2 u3 to mass produce
Just buy a SRK and swap out the emitters.
I'm going to be building a driver for mine (sorry, no custom PCB here, just NANJG 105C's) as well as swapping out the switch for an illuminated one. Just like my T50 an T20, it will be a simple 3 mode with ramping. I gave up on blinky modes a long time ago.
Have been let down on SRK by chinese ebay seller (to UK) so now reassessing whats out there…Idealy a 3xT6 thrower that fits in a pocket (poaching rabbits with a lurcher is what I do for giggles) with side by side 26650’s (x2) single turbo only mode would be great…any suggestions?
Zy-t08 will throw more than most triples, unless you want to start spending fenix or thrunite money, and its not that far behind a tn-31 when you consider the price difference. Plus its not so hard to add a pot to up your drive current to make it really throw.
JC - Where can i find an illuminated button?
Thats a good looking light, hadnt seen that one before, was hoping to find something that took 26650’s as I have some good ones! actually have just ordered this about 2 mins ago!
we’ll see if this one actually turns up!
btw I grew up in Wigan , whereabouts are you?

Thats a good looking light, hadnt seen that one before, was hoping to find something that took 26650’s as I have some good ones! actually have just ordered this about 2 mins ago! https://www.fasttech.com/products/1057203 we’ll see if this one actually turns up! btw I grew up in Wigan , whereabouts are you?
THe T08 is a great light, John. You’ll like it a lot!
One question for you...what is a "lurcher"?

JC - Where can i find an illuminated button?
Unfortunately I can't find one like is found on the new Nitecore lights. I'm going to try these mounted under the stock switch ring.
I did order one of these too just for the hell of it.
If you find a switch, specifically with 12 x 1.0 threading, that would be perfect!
The problem is, the output at 2,000+ level (vs 3,000+) isn’t pronounced enough to notice. The SRKing has just recently spoken to my heart again and is currently sitting by the bed as an immediate “night light” of sorts. lol
It’s just that for the money, nothing beats it.