Suggestions for a a compact, budget 26650 host for a 3-4x SST-40 Build?

In the past week or two I’ve put SST-40 emitters and BLF A6 drivers in two hosts. The first was a $8 SecurityIng host from eBay.

The second is a UltraFire F13. While I was testing it with a freshly charged Lii-50A it stopped working. Turns out the tail spring got too hot and shrank. I replaced the tail-spring, and added a 22AWG bypass and tried again. It’s bright, really bright.

So, of course, I wanted more. But what? I’m already worried I’m close to burning though the bond wires. I was flummoxed, frustrated. I consoled myself by comparing the F13 SST-40 to the 18650 SST-40 and my stock Sofirn C8A for the purposes of lighting up a neighbor’s 50’ evergreen. (The F13 is noticeably brighter than both the others).

Then it hit me: I need to build a triple, or a quad SST-40 light powered off a 26650!

But what host to use? I’ve come up with a few options, but I’m hoping for other suggestions, too.

The obvious choice is another F13. It has an integrated shelf, and it’s inexpensive. The downside is that it is a bit long, like an inch or so too long.

Another option, for a few bucks more, is the Sofirn C8F host. It is already fitted out for a triple, should easily fit a variety of drivers, including the original C8F driver, which they sell for ~$5. The problem is that it isn’t a 26650 host.

A third option is to get a Sofirn SP33. The size is right and it takes a 26650. It seems to use a DD driver with a high-current and a low current FET, so I could probably use the existing driver. The downsides are that it is ~$23, and if the T-shaped stock driver isn’t suitable, it may take extra effort and expense to fit a replacement.

So, can anyone suggest some other hosts for me to consider, something I can get for less than $20, or, even better, less than $15?

Thanks in advance!

There used to be the LuckySun F3X, a triple reflector XM-L2 1x26650 flashlight, but it has been discontinued. Almost everything was right in that flashlight, but LuckySun never realised that if they just changed to a DTP ledboard and increased the drive current a bit, they would have a winner again.

I modded one, did some ledboard surgery boring the thermal pads out to convert them to DTP and gave it a BLF-A6 driver and three nice XM-L2’s, and it is now one of my favourite flashlights for taking with me on trips: 2700 lumen steady and it handles it easily even without stepdowns. It feels great in the hand too!

Perhaps someone can convince Sofirn to build this type of light, at least they made the step to upgrade their triple C8 to DTP-board and make it awesome. They could make a 26650 version with a bit larger head, like the F3X.

Not budget but a good model is the 47’s Maelstrom MMU X3 I modded with 3x SST-40’s and a SIR404FET DD driver GuppyDrv. Pulls 22amps off a fully charged LiitoKala 50A and even runs the 20700/21700’s.

Mini BTU Shocker… :smiley:

Thanks for sharing your SST-40 based mods. I like the size of the Maelstrom MMU X3, but as you said, its far from budget.

The LuckySun looks cool, too, but it is a bit bigger than I was hoping for (plus, not available).

I’d be happy with a single-emitter host that can take an inexpensive triple retrofit.

I’m going to have to start acquainting myself with the available parts.

If anyone else has ideas, I’d love to know your thoughts.