The light is an original BLF-GT with the add-on kit with the XHP-70.2 LED. Recently one section of the LED died and the whole light is a lot dimmer now. With the advances in technology would there be a better choice for replacing the bad one? Is the 70.3 HI an option? I haven't kept up as much as I wish I had. I would like to keep the same driver. I really did like the light just as it was but if there is a chance to improve it now would be the time. Throw is more important than lumens to a point. The 70.2 has a more usable beam than the narrow beam of the XHP35HI. So throw isn't everything. The bottom line is I would like to keep the same or more throw without losing too much on beam width as in the GT.
I have never done any reflows. So I am also looking for someone that would like to do that for me and be compensated or accept payment in parts or such. Right now my health won't let me do this myself. But I do miss the light. It works great for many things including spotting deer here which is legal here. Don't do that often but late in 2022 there were well over 100 deer in about 3 miles along the one road next to our house. That is far more than the area can support without causing damage.There never used to be a small fraction of that number.
Any emitter sugections will be welcomed. Thanks.
If you are interested in this small project sent me a PM. I am in Northern PA so I would like to keep it in the lower 48.