Selling a sunwayman V11R. Works great. There is a few scratch and scraps but the light works flawless. I am only selling to thin out the light collection. PayPal only $50 with shipping in th us. pm me for pics
Is it a titanium version that you are selling, or the regular version.
The item is still available brand new from with USA shipping for under $40 + $10 extension.
If yours is different, it may be worth pointing this out in the OP…
Good luck,
Wow I ordered this light last year from battery junction for $70.00 not with the ring. I may just keep it now
Hi ac8528,
I thought I should post here to clear the air and clarify in case there was any misunderstanding from my post.
I just received a rather scathing PM from user Boaz who was accusing me of being unfair in my above post above, and requested “i think you should delete your comment …it’s kind of unfair to the guy …I asked mr admin to delete the comments in a pm […] this just seems to be unnesesary thread cra*ing …i know i’d be pi*ed if someone said it on a wts thread of mine.”
My intention was genuinely to find out if this V11R was different to a regular version (different emitter, titanium, etc), which is what I asked in the post and would have made me an interested buyer. I also wanted to sincerely help you sell the item successfully with polite advice if it was the regular version.
I would never try to deliberately hamper or sabotage another person’s sale - on the contrary, the opposite it true; I hoped the information I gave would help you towards a successful sale!
It’s highly unlikely that anyone knowledgeable on this forum will buy a light at a value higher than it is available new. This is the BudgetLightForum after all and we all have the same interests and goals. So I was trying to give helpful advice so that you could either differentiate your item, or drop the price to sell, else you may just decide to keep the item.
I don’t mind if the mod decides to delete the post, but I hope in reviewing it, the true intention is obvious and it is seen as the friendly advice that was intended.
I certainly know that if I was a seller in your position, I would much prefer someone told me if there was something possibly preventing the item from selling, rather than stay silent and leave me with an unsold item due to factors I may not have known about. That is after all the sole purpose of a WTS thread – to make a sale, not to leave the item unsold! I hope the same is true for you and there was no offence caused - except to an uninvolved party.
If I was a seller and didn’t know that the item wouldn’t sell, I would much prefer someone told me than stayed silent.
All the best and good luck with whatever you decide to do.