Super Thrower hybrid, - "BARRETT40" Project. (UPDATE 2 !)

so i have a design of a hybrid Super Thrower SkyRay King/DST on the table.
i spend alot of time in boats, backcountry mountains, doing searches, and in need of a light capable of extreme throw range, but at the same time versatile without the need for external powersources.

Basically using the 4-18650 in-parallel body, Driver, and main switch from one of the Four-emitter SRKs i have, and a custom built head plate, using 4 heads from four of the Defiant Super Throwers i recently got for $ 6.16 each, with all four of the already great throwing heads precisely mounted on a heatsink, possibly fan-cooled head plate focused at the same spot at 1000 meters with four XM-L2 emitters. ( possibly de-domed & driven to 4 amps or more with other driver options & mods, and a top handle,To build a thrower like no other.

Also may have a selector swith to be able to shut-down 2 or 3 of the emitters, for a low mode using only one of the beams for a longer run time in the back country.
I want to build somthing myself, to be able to say i built this, and to compliment the lights i already use there including a SR90, X6, SRK, TK35, TN31, Streamlight, and so on, and maybe beat the other throwers for the requirements of super long distances, from a light that i built.

Whats your thougths on this project and the prospects of a powerful thrower ?

My thoughts are stop talking about it and hurry up and finish. This light would be so orsm. How long until you can post some pictures? :bigsmile:

I have the M6 SRK already taken apart, and the heads off of four DSTs on the table, and working on measuring & maybe machining the plate this week to get this project started.
Since the SRK-4 i have is already driving the emitter hard, it should make a formidable long range thrower with the already well focused DST heads, and maybe drive each emitter up to 4 amps with XM-L2s this should be a monster.
its my priority design project at the moment. :slight_smile:
i will post a blueprint design image soon.

Sounds like it will be an awesome thrower but super unbalanced and tiring to hold. All that mass in the front of your hand and nothing behind it to counter balance the heavy head. You could make this light with any host but I'd use a 3*26650 host so it's more balanced.

Regardless of my opinion I can't wait to see what you come up with. 8)

I have a top-handle in the design to offset the balance isue a bit with the heavier, larger heads. ( and may make the handle more forward, untill i feel the light is perfectly balanced.
as seem in the priliminary design concept image below of the light i’m building.
I plan on putting some time and cash into this build to push it as far as i can for output and throw, ( dubbed the ” BARRETT40 ” Project. )
most fo the parts including the 4-emitter SRK, four DSTs, etc i have on hand already, including my own machine work shop to put this together.

See the design concept/blueprint above :slight_smile:

Nice plan. Have you thought about 4 x 26650 or larger batteries since you have gone to all the trouble of adapting a battery tube to another adaptor that looks to me to be all the work in this build? I can ask this question as I’m not building it. :wink: You have got me more excited than anything else in my life lately. Maybe 4 x MTG-2’s thrown in for good luck.

If you let the handle point forward from the attachment point instead of backwards it may just be very nicely right above the centre of gravity. Great plan by the way!

I can see massive machining and electronics works are required there. ‘Scary’ is the word to describe.

I think Old-Lumens can give his opinion about this build. :slight_smile:

What is the middle plate going to be made out of?

A polished aluminium would be lightweight and awesome.

And expensive.

Wiring should be pretty easy no? Is the objective to take the 4x Kung and just remove the emitters and run the wires to the DST heads?

Pretty simple and effective mod. I like it a lot and look forward to the end!

Can't wait to see the build thread on this one! Great concept!


subscribed :slight_smile:

I am a Machineist with a shop so the building of it will be no prob :slight_smile:

That is one option im concidering originally is to use the Kung driver to run the DST emitters, or i may go with 4 seperate Drivers for each emitter so the heads can be controlled seperately.

since you have four 18650 cells in parallel (at this point, I agree with MrsDNF, why not machine a 4*26650 housing for greater run time?), why not use an electronic switch on the handle (following djozz’s suggestion of orientating the handke to sit above the heads) a dr jones lupodrv driver as a master then three zombie boards as slaves (all stacked to 4a or so) the mcu wires could be routed through a rotary switch on the handle (if one could be found that would allow you to go off (master only) 1 (master and one slave) 2 (master and two slaves) 3 (full bore).

Not that gords likes this build or anything :bigsmile:

Sounds awesome and love the concept drawing. Is it really necessary to aim the heads to the same point? It seems the hotspots would overlap after a certain point with all the heads parallel.

i probally would not have to align them if all four are perfectly parallel. i will probally do some testing once its put together to do final ajustments.

Wow!, Cannot wait to see this. The balance is one thing, but the output should be impressive. Nice idea!

Do it! :)

Share build pictures of the processes

Take beamshots!

Good luck!


It sounds very cool and should be a great build. I was thinking about doing something with a 3x26650 in series like that but I am no machinist so I pretty much gave up on the idea.