Today I received this pieces of history (for me at least): I call this history because this is my first time to own the venerable C8, and also to own a ’’tan sand” ano light.
Neal of Nealgadgets has finally entered his own brand into the market with his own combination of UI, driver, led combinations at an affordable price for all.
I personally find these two C8+ offerings from NG awesome for the money. Inexpensive, not cheap, and high-quality construction and parts…and super performance.
Look at the photos below up close…and you’ll understand what I mean.
Check it out!
The XHP50.2, uses the BLF A6 driver, while the Osram uses the tested regular C8 driver.
Hence, the Nealgadgets’ version of the venerable C8 ( now a C8+).
And now for some comparative photos: XHP50.2 always on the left, Osram, right
Orange peel reflector for the XHP50.2, High-reflectivity smooth reflector for the Osram pure thrower:
C8+ positive end shows the BLF A6 driver inside, regular C8+ driver for the Osram:
And now for some beamshot comparisons: XHP50.2 for all-around use while the Osram is pure-thrower’s lover’s delight
Do you notice the over-all smoothness of the XHP50.2’s beam and the Osram’s laser-like tightness?
I’m happy w the one light with an osram. Was considering between the C8+ XHP50.2 and the XT45 SBT90.2 and Vin just had the single mode XT45 which I think I’m going for!
But further down the road I will absolutely go for the XHP50.2 C8+
Neal’s superb thrower for the money C8+ Osram Flat white with prices ranging from $19 to $24…depending on choice of Aluminum or Copper MCPCB is not bad at all.
Neal’s C8+ hosts are sourced from Wainlight. Some other parts are sourced from his contacts in the industry.
Take a close look at the pics, from the host to the internal parts, the reflector, the tailcap/spring assembly…not you would expect from a complete small thrower Osram light at just about $20!
I got one of the white flat c8s ($15USD one) but ended up using it as a host for another white flat on copper MCPCB, and a 5A driver from Convoy, as the one that comes with it is 8*7135, so 2.8A. Thing is a monster; I’ll do throw measurements on it tonight. (Unrelated, I know, but good to see what’s possible)
5m is too close for a thrower like this. I do 10 or 15m otherwise you can get a higher reading.
The reading also depends on how accurate your light meter is.
At 4.7A (same 5 amp driver) I got 975m. I thought that was accurate until I saw 1lumen’s review on the FT03 SST40 at 950m while I got 1040m. I think my meter is reading too high. The review was using quite an expensive meter so I reckon their’s would be more accurate than mine.
Make sure you do the test outside otherwise the light reflecting off the walls will add to the result. Inside vs outside gives 20-30m difference.
Neal’s is only driven at 2.8A so it’s certainly not the claimed 1000m or the 700 lumens. Mine at 4.7A gets 720 so 2.8A certainly isn’t 700