surprise. uniquefire uf-t20 story.

i just opened a uf-t20 pill and found a generic 4x7135 380 mA one mode driver w +/- reversed and standard xm-l emitter. the other four had high-low-strobe 2.8A drivers in them. chinese quality control!


Did non-Wallbuys uft20s have those. Gotta check my first one when I get home. I can’t remember but think it pulled like 2A or less

I probably wouldn’t have checked the +/- leads if it didn’t work, or at least I’d have opened a case first.

the ones i have now are from manafont. with a keepower 3400 they were doing in the 2.8 range on high. i just opened up another one and there is a gob of something 3/4 way down the tube preventing the battery from going in all the way. there are scratches all over where they tried to scrape it out. i’ll have it fixed in a minute then recheck tailcap readings. its the only one i have left that is stock as delivered.

Just got my WallBuys UF-T20 today, and I measure a climbing amp #, settles at 4.1A on a fresh Panasonic 18650B unprotected. Definitely no Nanjg style 2.8A driver. Didn't remove the driver yet, but it's got a giant spring and flat back, so looks like typical 1 sided, unregulated type. I'm guessing it's direct drive on high.

Wow, this pill is a nice quality brass - didn't expect it in a cheap light. Also, the brass pill is a perfect match to an aluminum C8 pill I got laying around - even screwed the C8 pill in, but the spring doesn't match up of course, so can't try it - ashame, my pill is a U3 1C @3.8A KD V2.

I'm getting measured lumens of 731@start, 601 after 30secs - this after Nyogel on threads (seems like Nyogel application usually boosts lumens a little bit).

Hhhmm, I could screw in the C8 pill, then ground the batt -, and measure the output...

Crap! Tested the T20 w/U3 1C @3.8A pill -- lumens: 822@start, 758@30secs.

Nice output! Didn't even use a full white covering over the star, just used a plastic snap-on piece around the emitter. This light definitely calls for an emitter/reg driver upgrade!! After 30 secs, the output increase is about 25% - I could tell the difference from sight in a semi-dark room.

* Note: the lumens measurements were done at full flood - results are much lower at full zoom, but I'm sure candela #'s were better as well.

How do you do to open it up easiest?

Well, think the only way is via the ring around the glass lens. There are 4 semi-circles on that ring, I used a needle-nose type plier and carefully worked it to unbind it, then once loose, used a pick type of tool. I didn't find any other place to unscrew, accept the tailcap - maybe I missed something though. Gotta be real careful working around that beauty of a lens though.

Nice results Tom,I love the t-20 and to throw a helpful tip at you guys I modded one and noticed halos around the hotspot.I painted the star and surrounding areas with flat black model paint which cut down on beam artifacts.I will buy more in the future to mod with different pill/emitter combos.

Thanks! Interesting bout the flat black paint - saw the halos too at full zoom - did look messy next to my Poppas S7's full zoom beam.

I have two and swapped a NW xp-g2 into one of them. LOVE IT.