Has anyone built a light using this host? Its a little pricey but seems to be a little higher end than your average host. It has brass pill, ha-lll anodizing, and the thread quality looks to be really good too. here is the link:
Looking at the pictures, it looks like it might have a 22mm - 17mm adaptor ring, look at the kit contents picture. I’d fire an email off to check, and see if they do an assembled light with the kit, or if cngq do, from the options on the assembled light pages you can usually tell if they are using a nanjg driver from the mode selection options.
Looking at the price, I’d say its very reasonably priced tbh. The other option maybe an adapter board, someone who knows more can probably chime in, but you can definitely get 20mm boards that just have a positive centre and ground outer, I would hope 22mm versions exist, then you’d be best “potting” the 17mm board inside the pill, behind the 22mm adapter board.
Yeah, potting the circuit board is no biggie. My main concern as with any light is the build quality. This one seems to be on par with its ha-lll anodizing and anodized threads.
I ordered the T10 from I-O, got it in today - yes, real quality all around. No 17 mm adapter, it's a brass retainer ring for a 21-20mm board, but I got blanks of both sizes no I'll use it for the spring mount (they provided the spring), and use a 17mm driver. Thinkin of instead of dangling the driver on wires, mount a small brass pill from CNQG inside their spacious pill, add copper, and wow - got a solid 17mm mount, solid pill, solid thermal and electrical path. 3.8A or 4.1A would be the way to go in this beauty, and top it off with an XM-L2 U2 I got in from IS. It's bout as long as a XinTD but smaller head, smaller reflector - deep, but don't think deeper than the new XinTD's.