Tacticool And You - from the zombie defense and survival wiki

Quite humorous and well thought out

Yeah, that’s a good read :wink:

Every good bug-out bag needs at least 2 shotguns, 2 handguns (1 revolver/1 semi-auto) a high-caliber sniper rifle, a high-capacity assualt rifle, at least 1000 rounds for each firearm (5000 for the rifle), a months worth of MRE's, at least 20 gallons of drinking water; a 20-billion candle-power halogen spotlight with a 20W solar charger panel to charge the light, a tent capable of housing 20 people, a 10,000W diesel generator, and a weeks supply of fuel. And you have to be able to carry it on your back.

Too bad that doesn't leave any room for a box of matches and a good knife.

This one is good, though the language is rough.

More fun here:

Thanks, Pinetreebbs! you made my day! :smiley:

I have a 511’s. Rush12 tactical bag, with bottle holder. It’s my diaper bag :stuck_out_tongue: works great there’s compartments for everything LoL that’s why I love it.

My little fella is more ninja than zombie. He’s a stealth pooper

Lol even though the sound totally sucks, that’s good stuff