Crap, yeah I posted the link with my phone, it probably took you to the mobile site.
I’m looking at getting a few of them. One for each car, wife purse, moms purse. A friends dad has one sort of like the one I posted, and just the sound of it is absolutely brutal. Even when I knew he was going to hit the taser button, it made me jump everytime. And the light output wasn’t half bad. Seems pretty durable, it may become my everyday light
I’ll be upfront, as a Brit I just don’t get the whole going armed thing. I accept YMMV.
That said a stun gun that needs you to make and maintain physical contact with the offender just strikes me as a floored design. If you look at the bezel it just looks like they have taken off some of the ano but that there are two distinct left / right sides. This looks to me like you would need to maintain a pretty good contact against the person you were frying to keep the juice flowing. Tazar at least fires barbs which will penetrate and which also allow you to keep space between yourself and an attacker. Personally I’d be more inclined to throw the light at the perp and run really quickly.
I’ve been tasered more than once…voluntarily…and seen dozens of people ride the lightning. Even the barb firing variants of the Taser branded system have points like this to drive stun. I’m not actually sure brief periods of contact followed by breaks and them regaining contact would dramatically less effective. It certainly sounds pretty hellish. I am not trying it out.
I truly, truly hate the sound of a taser now. That alone is almost enough to give me sympathy pains.
Well lets start with no legal right to engage in combat. Under UK law if I walk down the street and somebody spits in my face I would have zero legal recourse to engage them, the law would expect me to walk away. We are just looking at the right to defend property following a couple of high profile cases. Generally speaking in the UK you have to be able to show you tried to avoid violence and that you had no option, even then it’s not a good place to be.
Secondly lets consider what a violent incident is, it’s a fight, normally involving nothing more than fists. That’s because we don’t go out tooled up. We settle it old school, like men used to. Most of the crime involving weapons is gang on gang. The knife problem is almost all youth related, very rare to hear of anything else.
Thirdly, despite living in a fairly rough area and having spent time in lots of very rough areas I’ve never had need to defend myself. If the option is letting go of some ego to avoid a fight I will.