I hope this is the right place to post this. Tequipment.net does not sell flashlights or flashlight parts, at least as far as I know. But they do have a nice supply of handy tools, such as soldering equipment, meters, power supplies, etc. I upgraded my cheapo $15 amazon soldering iron to a nice one and got a great deal through Tequipment. They threw in some solder for free too, which was a nice bonus. Their prices were excellent. Make sure you create an account, its free, and gives you a nice discount on almost everything they sell. The shipping was quick and everything arrived packed nicely and just as described. I’m already finding soldering much easier (I think I need a bigger tip for a few things though). Very happy with my experience with them. Hope this helps someone.
I ordered a ADS200 soldering station and tips from them a few months back. Cheapest price I could find with free shipping.
Very happy with my purchase. The company seems very well liked over at eevblog forum.
eevblog forum is how I found out about them. I was looking for reviews/opinions on soldering stations and found the eevblog forum. They convinced me to try both tequipment and the Hakko (I got the FX888D).
I had the opposite experience with tequipment. They sold me an item they didn’t even carry in stock. After a long wait and not receiving what I ordered, I called to complain. I was told it would be cheaper now. I decided to order 2 units after asking them to verify the price because it sounds too cheap. They assured me it was not a mistake and when the purchase order came it was full MSRP. Few weeks for this nightmare, all I wanted was my stuff on time. I can’t believe they had the nerve to lie to me.