Test/Review of Efest 16340 850mAh (Black) 2014

Efest 16340 850mAh (Black) 2014

Official specifications:

  • Min Capacity: 850 mAh
  • Typical Capacity: 850 mAh
  • Nominal Voltage: 3.70V
  • Size: Max.16.63x33.98mm
  • Weight: 25g

The capacity is specified way to high as it usual is with 16340 batteries.

The battery has a very stable capacity, independently of load. This is much better than last time I tested this battery.


The battery does not have the highest capacity of 16340 batteries, but it does a good job in the 1A to 2A range, making it a good fit for many flashlights.
I will rate the battery as acceptable.

Notes and links

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries

Thank you for the review, HKJ! It appears the cell is dented. Was there any damage to the box?

The cell is not dented, but the label has a bump where it crosses the protection strip.

For people that are in doubt about the construction of a protected battery, check here: http://www.lygte-info.dk/info/battery%20protection%20UK.html

Thanks HKJ. Looks like Ill stick to my 550mAh red V2 since its better at high current. :)

No surprise there, IMR is supposed to be better at high current.

Yupp... :)