Thanks HKJ! I feel as though testing these poor quality overrated cells is a great service. It’s great for flashaholics and cell connoisseurs to know how how good cells compare but these tests on dishonest cells are very valuable to the general consumer. Much appreciated.
Like previous posters I would like to thank HKJ for showing us how good the good batteries are, and also showing us with numbers and graphs how bad some other batteries are.
Which brings me to a question. Are these GIF batteries the result of a brainstorm session of some clever Chinese men who want to corner the market of very bad batteries?
As if one can plan to make the worst batteries ever.
Or was someone paid by a reputable manufacturer to ship a load of rejects to a landfill but instead he got money from a person who rewraps and sell’s them.
To anybody who actually wants to believe that you can buy batteries with better specifications than batteries of mayor brands, for less money than batteries of major brands.
These type of low capacity batteries have been on the market for many years, I suspect that some factories have a low capacity LiIon cell production. If have at an earlier date opened some 18650 that was only partially filled with battery stuff, i.e. they where manufactured to be bad.