Test/Review of Keeppower IMR18650 2900mAh (Black) 2014

Keeppower IMR18650 2900mAh (Black) 2014

Official specifications:

  • KeepPower 18650 3.6V/3.7V 2900mAh High Drain Li-ion Rechargeable Battery
  • Min Capacity: 2750mAh
  • Typical Capacity: 2900mAh
  • Normal Voltage: 3.6V
  • Quality Lithium Ion rechargeable cell made in Japan
  • Maximum Capacity and Reliability
  • Maximum Constant Discharge Current: 10A
  • 4.2 volts max voltage and 3.6-3.7 volts nominal voltage
  • Button top: Yes
  • Dimension: (D)18.50mm*(H)66.50mm
  • Weight: 46.0g

This is a high capacity high current battery

The two cells has very good tracking and only a minor capacity loss when the current is increased.


There are cells with higher voltage at high current, but none other with this much capacity.
With a Panasonic cell inside it is a very good battery, that can deliver a lot of current.

Notes and links

The battery was supplied by Keeppower for review.

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries

Another great review, thanks HKJ.

Does this cell have the Panasonic NCR 18650PF inside?


Thanks HKJ,

Panasonic NCR18650PF 4,2V is the best cell for single 18650 nanjg amc7134 drivers. And this one is protected. So it is probably unbeatable battery in performance and safety. Sanyo UR2600FM (FT) is small crying baby comparing to this beast delivering much less current than NCR2900PF (IMHO).

Where did you get that idea from?

So it is not protected? My apologize... I tough it was protected cell...

When I put "NA" in "PCB protection trip current" it is an unprotected cell.

With most batteries you can also see it on the batteries, the protection circuit is "visible" as at the bottom of the cell.

Thanks for the info,

I did not pay attention on that since it is re wrapped.

Thanks for the review. :)

is there protected version of this ones?

And where to find them?