Thanks for trade X3! Thorfire S50 for an Olight

OK having a small beef on the Dutch tech forum with an Olight fanboy.
I need an Olight flashlight
Modded or not all is fine as long as it works and I get a good idea of the threads and builf quality. Oh and it needs to work

I am offering a Thorfire S50 (click my username - my threads for review)
Shipping of it costs me at least $17 ($20)

I propose a closed wallet deal
I send my S50 and you send your Olight.

Oh yeah only 18650 or 26650 lights please.

Pm or reply, all is nice.

Questions please ask :slight_smile:

So…. a S10R set is traded.
Very curous for that super Olight stuff :wink:

If you do not have an Olight, you should get at least "one". In regards to the fanboy...well if he is part of the that cult (and there is nothing wrong with Olight) just give it up because your Thorfire could be made of gold and it still would not be good enough for them. ;)

I’m one of Olight’s reviewers (or at least, I guess I still am - haven’t gotten anything new in months), so I’ve got lots of experience with them. They’re honestly great lights - very well made and reliable. I wish they offered more tint choices, or at least more lights with neutral emitters, and they really love their timed stepdowns a bit too much for my taste, but overall they’re really good factory lights, at least on par with all the other “big” names. They’re well worth acquiring if you get the chance. Hopefully someone will come along and take you up on your trade offer.

Hahaha Bugsy36 that’s funny :wink:

Yeah I kind of hope there is somebody that has either too much or has a review sample he/she does not use at all
Being so popular there are bound to be a couple that have one they are willing to part with for a nice light the S50 is :slight_smile:

Oh man, I had half a dozen of M22/M23 few weeks ago :zipper_mouth_face:
I still had an S30R II but it’s just sold to a friend…
I know you said 18650/26650 but maybe an S10/S10R II could interest you ?
Let me know :slight_smile:

With a standard cell?

Got a few olights!

M22 (modded sliced dome)
M21-X (modded sliced dome)
SR51 (stock)
S80 (stock)
S20 (modded de domed 4000K XML2 very warm)

S10 and S10R are 16340.
S10R include an Olight 16340, charging dock, lanyard and micro-USB cable.

Pm send to X3 first.

Thanks X3
It arrived today
funny little light
And thanks again for the extra S10 BatonII you put in the box!

Hhmm, I'd like to get rid of all my Olights, darn, too late! But shipping would be nuts anyways...

And that S50 which reached my home today is a nice little beast :slight_smile:
I still find the S70 more beautiful but I’m glad to have both !

It is indeed a very nice light, but never got used.
The design of the S50 tube (a little thicker and thus wider at the head is very beautiful)