Thanks to everyone

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me since I joined this forum a few weeks ago.

I have learned so much and everyone has been extremely helpful and kind to me. And I know that some of my questions have been basic things and probably answered many times over but no one ridiculed me for asking.

I’m still very new and some of what I read, I don’t understand but I’m learning and that is one of my favorite things to do.

Hopefully at some point I will be able to help someone.

8 Thanks

I don’t remember if I was helpful or not, but BLF is full of helpful people.
There are very few BLF members that get upset when a common question is asked by anyone, which is nice.
I like the community here, and they have helped me many times (even when I wasn’t a newbie.) :+1:

2 Thanks

Lol! You were helpful. Newbies are not always treated well on some forums, which really doesn’t make sense because newbies grow the forum.

I’m still having to learn the terminology and have to do off forum research but I am learning. Sometimes the question that I asked, morphed into something different after 20 replies but I read them all even if they don’t pertain to what I asked. I just store the knowledge for a day when I might need it.

1 Thank

What a great post!
I often feel the same way.
Thanks for taking the time to post kind and positive words.

Bright Regards

1 Thank

@jon_slider you are welcome. In a way everyone here is making my life safer. Everyone is teaching me how to handle my batteries safely and getting the most out of them. These batteries will keep my family safe during an emergency. Plus I love to learn new things.

I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Lol

Great post. Hopefully I helped a bit. If so, I was very glad to do it…

As to threads wandering, yeah that tends to happen a lot around here! But generally it is fun. :laughing:

1 Thank

I think it’s great how one post turns into something else. It’s the sign of a healthy forum and you did help me, in fact no response so far has been unhelpful.

Like I said, some of what you guys discuss, goes over my head. However, every time I read something I don’t understand, I get a little closer to understanding it. For example, I didn’t know what CDR meant in regards to its function while in my flashlights and while charging. Now I have a better understanding of it but I still a little fuzzy.

In fact I would still like to learn more about how to match the CDR of a battery with the flashlight that it’s in. If anyone has a past post that will help me that would be great.

Really appreciate you writing to say thanks! I’m really glad that it’s been a good experience. And many thanks to everyone for following the BLF Rules and being patient and friendly.

4 Thanks

You are very welcome @ToddZiegler1024 ! And +1 to your feelings: I feel the same and that’s the reason I basically live here in BLF for all my flashlight-related needs.

2 Thanks