......... well, for me at least. When I got my first Anduril driven light I was really excited until I realized it's a little like linux in that there is a slight learning curve. Manual was recently posted by TK so it won't be the same anymore for others who have the manual. That being said, what a nice job TK did to give us this free software. Today I was playing with the candle, lightning storm, tactical strobe, bike flasher and party strobe modes and I was pretty impressed. There is so much depth to Anduril that Toy Keeper should be held in the highest esteem here, which she pretty much is anyway, but I wanted to say another thank you for offering this to all us flashlight nerds.
I don’t have a light with Anduril yet. I reckon the FW3A might be my first. My buddy offered to flash it onto my D4. I just haven’t gotten around to sending it to him. I think I saw somewhere that the Q8 could use that firmware as well. Might send him the Q8 as well. Not sure what other lights can take advantage of Anduril. I am wondering if the 21700 C8F can be flashed.
Why I didn’t order a FireFlies light.
5)Sketchy QC
I lit a real candle.
This was all in good humor of course. Sarcasm doesn’t transfer well to text. Figured I better make it clear it was good hearted and not aggressive in nature.