The amazing Klarus Mi7 Ti, G20, OLIVE DRAB/SILVER ready-to-ship, Black, Red, Blue (no-clip) CLOSED again.

Edit: April 2: This activity is Closed

Mi7 Black, Bright Silver, Army Green (Olive Drab) and the Ti (Titanium)

Edit: Feb. 15. — active again

Edit: Olive Drab (Army Green) and Bright Silver version coupons now available upon request.
Edit: Oct. 24…see post #222

From the different colors in the Kaleidoscope series of the Mi7, we have a list-up post for it, starting at post #224.

Please post your preferred color and quantity in the tail-end of this thread. Same price of the coupon if a minimum of 20 units/color is reached.

Edit: Nicer price now

Hi guys,

This light has been around for awhile with generally good reviews…but to those who wants one (or more) at a nice price…post here for a pm.


List for Kaleidoscope Series:

Exquisite Rose:

Emerald Green:

Serene Lavender:

Glacial Blue:

Bright Silver:

  1. elnino
  2. MAD TM26
  3. antiparanoico
  4. Saigon
  5. The Jinx
  6. gungoat
  7. southland
  8. tatasal
  9. Kodachrome40
  10. KGB
  11. Techno

Obsidian Black:

Mil-Spec Olive Drab:

  1. LG
  2. MAD TM26
  3. antiparanoico
  4. eric800
  5. The Jinx
  6. jonnyfgroove (cpf)
  7. jonnyfgroove (cpf)
  8. southland
  9. tatasal
  10. quetzalcoatl
  11. KGB
  12. Gerrh
  13. Gerrh
  14. Cythras
  15. KutKhemist
  16. OrangePeel

CLIPS only:

  1. light X
  2. Jerommel
  3. Jerommel
  4. Streamer
  5. The Jinx
  6. Antilop
  7. Antilop
  8. adirondackdestroyer
  9. Gerrh
  10. Gerrh
  11. Gerrh
  12. Gerrh
  13. Cythras
  14. Cythras
  15. OrangePeel
  16. OrangePeel
  17. Rajun
  18. H3nr1k
  19. charles lin
  20. Threadneedle
  21. Dba
  22. Angel Martinez
  23. carmantl
  24. carmantl
  25. albertopnp

I might get another. Love the tint.

I’d like to know the price please.

I am interested. Thank you!

can you send me the info please

Interested, pending price.

Have one (from tatasal’s prior buy - Thanks!) and love it.


Pls PM me the price. Thank you!

I’m also interested in price…please PM me.


Can you PM price, please?


Can I get one? Thanks. MIke

Please PM me the price and info! Thanks! :sunglasses:

Yes, please :smiley:

PM pricing information please. (also link to refresh my brain about this light.)


If I miss someone in the list, please let me know here, thanks!

Please PM me the price. Thanks.

I am interested, PM me please

Interested as well. Thanks

PM please, thanks