The best use for a flashlight, EVER!

Unfortunately, I fly a lot for my job. Any traveler’s worst nightmare is being seated near a crying curtain climber. A few weeks ago, I had a 2 year old screamer 2 rows in front of me. It was pretty obvious that this kid wasn’t going to stop crying on the flight. Suddenly, a guy on the other side of the isle breaks out a 1XAA EDC light and hands it to the mother of the screaming child. He quietly says “here, give him this”. INSTANT silence. The kid is mesmerized by the relatively bright light and proceeds to shine it around the cabin for about 20 minutes before finally falling asleep for the remainder of the flight. The owner of the flashlight is one smart dude! :wink:

I had many a bad start (or bad end) of a vacation because of this scenario. What a wonderful solution!
Thanks for the story and the hint!

Nope, I had an Eagle Tac T20 C2 MII, and a SF L2P/E1320 XML 3C in my carry on above my head, but this other passenger had the bright idea, not me! 0:) I wonder if he was a member here or on the other site? Only a flashaholic would carry a light onboard an aircraft, right? :bigsmile:

Waht is the most unbright idea is that you did not have a little talk with the guy and try to know if hes a flashaholic and if hes aware of cpf/blf etc :slight_smile: Wouda made a short trip indeed discussing flashlights :smiley:

I had a thought on my last flight home from vacation of an airline that was 21 and over. You would never have to sit near a screaming baby or a row of high school band/sports members going off to a meet.

I think business people would love the idea. I know I would pay an extra $50 to know I didn’t have to have a baby drilling a hole in my head for 4 hours. I was on a flight with sister and her kid that would scream if it was happy or sad. There wasn’t much difference in the tone and both were annoying as hell. I kept praying we would crash but no such luck.

Look out we are everywhere!

I have that thought every single time I fly - which is pretty often… $50, hell, even $100 would be cheap insurance against the possibility of arriving at my destination with a bad attitude and a short temper… And honestly, I can tolerate a screaming infant much easier than I can an ill-behaved 3 year old. Note to parents: if you can’t control your three year old on the ground, please don’t take them to 30,000 feet with 300 other people. Thank you.


I can deal with the children, for the most part.

It's the d!ck in front of me, sneezing and coughing, and immediately putting his seat in the full-recline position who I want to throttle. Thanks for getting me sick, BTW.

Does he really need the legroom, at 5'7" ? I know that my 6'5" frame does, jerk.

Yeah, I hate it when people recline. They should just be decent people and not make others uncomfortable just so they are slightly more comfortable.

I have no problem with the recliners, but seeing my knees on either side of his head should have been a tip-off.

There's also no need to keep putting your dang phone in the front pocket of your skinny jeans, only to check it seventeen times by stretching out in the plank position - driving the seat further into my upper thighs.

Are you one of those folks who slam the seat back immediately upon arrival, necessitating a reminder from the flight crew to place it upright for both takeoff AND landing ?

Me? No, I never recline. As I already said I hate it when people do that so I make a point not to.

Good on ya. I couldn't discern whether that was sarcasm or not, as this cold/flu makes me wanna punch a wall... I'm hating on Mr. SkinnyJeans so much right now.

Nope, not sarcastic at all. :D Can't blame ya for wondering though it wasn't exactly clear, especially if you have the flu. ;)

The neighbor lost her dog..I took out my dog on a long leash and a serious thrower ....Did I find the dog ?? No ..but It helped in the search considerably .Suddenly it seemed smart to have a decent light ..She was driving around the block franticly looking for "frodo" a Little Chihuahua ..A good light would have helped her a bunch too.

I dunno, surely this comes close!!!

I was out one morning around dawn a few weeks ago helping my neighbor search for their dog. Having a good thrower on you sure does make a difference when spotting down alley ways and under bushes. After we scoured around a few blocks on foot with no success, he and his wife went out in the truck and luckily found her.

Oh I see… Batman, Superman, Spiderman and now…. Flashlightman. :bigsmile:

MK, I was in seat A (window), and he was in seat F (other window). The people between us probably wouldn’t have enjoyed our yelling back and forth to each other talking about flashlights. :party:

A well placed strike with the bezel could have a similar effect! J/k. :slight_smile:

I love denying the would be recliners the ability to recline with my knees. I mean, my knees are already at the edge, might as well brace for the first few minutes of the flight while they try to recline, stopping them dead in their tracks. It’s pretty hilarious when they’re trying to figure out why they can’t recline, and the rest of their family in their row can :).

I actually have a reason though, got osgood schlatter disease. It involves the knee and when my knee is in that bent position for more than a few minutes it’s gets quite sore. So I try to keep it as unbent as possible.