The new CPF: what's happening?

Looks like they got hacked…

Ouch. Hacked. There have been quite a few vBulletin hacks recently. was another notable case a few months back. That’s one of the reasons why I prefer to stick with Drupal and not move to vBulletin, which is a closed source package that doesn’t benefit from the help of the community in spotting and fixing bugs.

I don’t know any of the details about how this happened or if the password database was compromized, but anyone who has a CPF account should be extra careful if that same username/password combo is used elsewhere on another site (which is a very bad practice).

I definitely don’t want to gloat over this one. Getting hacked totally stinks. A long time ago when I set up my first site, which is no longer in existance, I used Joomla, and was promptly hacked within like a month. Same sort of idiocy, hacked by some rebel political group. It was partially an error in my configuration, and partially poor design of Joomla, but it cost me a HUGE amount of time and effort to get things fixed up, and that despite the fact that I didn’t have anywhere NEAR as much data as CPF does.


i didn't do it (this time)

nor last time.


Ahh I like the new version…

New and improved!

Maybe we will get a few new members on board today!

You can say that again, buddy!


+1 !!!

Well, let’s just hope this hacking matter be settled. It can happen to any website so we should be thankful BLF is very much alive and kicking!


I am glad there is nothing untoward in that page.

Bless em……

“To feel envy is human, to savor schadenfreude is devilish.” >) (Arthur Schopenhauer)

I know It’s not nice, but …. Bwahahahahahahahahaha

Ouch! We could get blamed for this somehow...

One of its banned members got angry…

Sigh, time to change passwords.

It’s a sad state of affairs when we begin celebrating the demise of others.

It is sad if data is lost. This happened to a site I used to enjoy. ;_;