The One Hundred........

Fess up flashaholics.

How many here have at least 100 flashlights?


At one point yes… but now I’m a reasonable person :smiley: only 77 in my current list :beer:


Get your Merde together.

:smiley: :beer:

Who has time to count all these flashlights?

I have to shop for flashlights…

I have way over 100 lights now :smiling_imp:

I have been is this hobby over 10 years and I initially came from Candlepowerforum back in 2007 :disguised_face:

Over 200 and about to sell off some to thin the herd.


You’re all sick demented people.

Someday in the middle of the nite you’re gonna get chased down by a couple of large guys in white coats swinging big butterfly nets.

(Pro-Tip: Use 4 strobing Q8’s to ward them off. Don’t ask how I know this works.)


Probably, if you add up all the ones I haven’t used in years and stuffed in a closet, never to be seen again. And some are just multiple copies of lights from cheap group buys (like A01’s and 348’s), which for some reason I bought way more than I need.

But for lights I occasionally still use, probably no more than two or three dozen. And, let’s face it: I really could get by with just a handful if I had to. The rest are toys.

Ya know I kinda have this secret fear. I’ll share it with you.

At my wake, the wife drenched in tears discusses what she found hidden around the house…….


Username checks out!

Let’s put it this way. I’d have to sell a manure cart full of lights before I can see a thin herd

I haven’t counted mine but my guess is I should have around 100. If not, I will definitely exceed it eventually. Flashlights are so fun. I use it for work and I use my high CRI/good tint/warm white ones at night while watching TV because the ambience it creates is better than the light from ceiling fixtures.

Shame on you, you made me count. Didn’t even get to the deep stash :person_facepalming:

I’m roughly at 1 flashlight per 100 BLF posts :person_facepalming:

You know, there is still interest for at least the BLF 348s here. You could sell a few lights, if you’re really just letting them rot otherwise. :innocent:

Oh, I have much fewer than 100 lights. I guess I’m not so much a flashaholic after all! :sunglasses:

About 110 here… againthelaw have more lights than we all combine…

“I’m roughly at 1 flashlight per 100 BLF posts :person_facepalming: ”

I think that shows incredible control and mastery over oneself. Only 120 flashlights over the course of 68 months posting on BLF is a little less than 2 per month.

Hell there are SICKOS here that do that PER DAY. Of course I’m not THAT sick. Thank gaw’d I got it down to only 1.4 flashlights per day. :+1:

Or give them away. I like to leave small lights like that with friends and family. Visiting my father leave one in his garage. Having a trip on a friends boat, leave one on the boat.

Guess i’m trying to spread the virus. Not much luck yet though :person_facepalming:

“About 110 here… againthelaw have more lights than we all combine…”

Sounds like you’ve seen in person his FlashStash.

So you’re kinda traumatized eh? :open_mouth: