The sky is falling.

All I’m saying is if you are already in outer space and you see a piece of junk you should snag it and bring it down to earth. Let the scientists play with it a while then sell it on ebay. That way the more money than brains club can pay for space to be cleaned up. Then keep the kiddies busy designing bolt catchers. That is detect something that is traveling several miles a second while you are traveling several miles a second in a different direction and catch it.

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Whatcha talkin bout Willis

A lot of space debris is centimetre to millimetre scale and can’t be reasonably caught. Of course, the real solution is to use a laser to ablate one side of a piece of debris to add impulse to deorbit it, but nobody wants to do it because such a laser would also be a great anti-satellite weapon, and potentially start an arms race.

Wouldn’t a giant, space version of the severed hand robot take care of that?

Rawlings© can sponsor it and make it look like a big baseball glove.

We just need “Mega Maid”

“Then keep the kiddies busy designing bolt catchers.”

is this “code”?

Doesn’t every little bit of weight on a space vehicle cost a lot of money to transport?

More in terms of getting it into orbit - getting it back down is the easier part. The real problem is that nobody wants to try and catch debris that can easily punch a hole in their spacesuit.

Yeah, like that guy in that movie who got his face ripped off when space-sand blasted right through like a .50BMG.

Not Clooney, but the guy who played the redshirt.

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Reminds me of one of the sub plots in the movie “Dogs in Space” (1986)

This group is working on a solution, Tethers Unlimited
Just add a glove to the Kraken


Giant. Space. Magnets.