I have been wanting to buy my first Fenix flashlight for some time now from all the pictures I see on here and from looking at them on ebay. Here's what I have been thinking about getting...the Fenix TK41 or the Fenix TK35. I definately like thrower lights, but I have some good ones already. The TK35 may be more useful to me. I like the fact that it runs on 18650's too. But I have a NIMH charger already so all I would have to buy is the NIMH AA batteries if I go with the TK41. I really like the way the TK41 throws after watching the goinggear videos on ebay. So what should I do? Both are great choices.
If you want a Fenix, does it need to be a biggie? The models you mention are no doubt excellent lights, but I just wonder if the actual output might not feel a bit meh to a man used to Catapult V3, Keygos Ke5, Olight SR51 etc.
But of the two you're looking at, if you think the TK35 would be more useful to you then I'd go with that one. Personally, I nowadays try to only buy things I know I'll use. Unless the TK41 can out-throw anything you already own it's more likely to get left on the shelf. Just my tuppence worth.
TK-35 is a great all-purpose light, I think you will enjoy it.
Now that is some sound advice. I think your right. I already have the M3X, Catapult V3, SR51 and 7G5 for throw. Don't think the TK41 will add much to any of those. But I do like the way the TK35 looks, and it does offer a more useful beam in my opinion for more practical everyday kind of use.
Thanks for the info guys. Keep the opinions coming. That's what I am wanting. I am listening to all thoughts.
The TK41 offers something that none of the others do. It may not be important to you now but in the future it may be important. That is the fact that the TK41 is powered by AA batteries. In a pinch you can use alkaline batteries or run it on just 4 AA batteries but it works best with NiMh rechargeable AA batteries.
This is my thinking. If we ever get into an emergency or survival situation, the ability for your light to use AA batteries will be a huge thing. AA NiMh batteries last longer on the shelf, they are available in just about any store you go into, good ones like eneloops hold their charge on the shelf for 3 years, they recharge up to 1500 times and they are not as dangerous to recharge.
NiMh batteries are very easy to recharge using solar power.
Another thing. Of all the lights I have, the TK41 will cover more bases than any of the others. Great throw, good choice of modes, good battery life, great strobe, great at tail standing for ceiling bounce, good quality and easy UI. If I ever have to just grab one light and go, this light covers more bases.
It's a good thing to have lights that use different batteries instead of just having lights that use 18650s. I'm an old boy scout and I believe in being prepared. I don't like having all my eggs in one basket.
BTW: Don't you already have lights that will just about do anything the TK35 will do?
I see your points. And I like what you said. I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a light that ran on NIMH AA batteries. Almost all of my lights are 18650 operated. And I can get the TK41 for around $98 shipped. I can get the TK35 for around $83 shipped. Both are good lights. Heck I may just end up buying both. I guess that will depend on which one I buy first and how I like it.
Hmm... Remember this?
"Now all I need is a Olight SR50 before Christmas and I should be content for a good while. I don't need anymore flashlights after that. I repeat I don't need anymore flashlights. I am good. LOL!"
Brad, you need willpower!
Yea I remember. But I did get talked out of buying the SR50.
Bestinone.net selling the TK35 at 94 shipped worldwide cheapest. Not sure about Andy.
Seriously still not that worth it.
We all have to admit that we tell our selves that every time we spend over $100, Then we see a cool beamshot or a cool looking light and have to have it....It's an addiction......and we love it!!
I'm thinking of the TK60, it's massive reminds me of the maglites I have a 4 x D cell battery holder already for it and 4 x 2 AA to D cell converters, I like the look of the fenix lights.
Have you got any of these? I have both TK35 and TK41. TK41 outthrows TK35 while TK35 is definitely easier to carry. I found changing 8xAA batteries a bit hard if you're in complete darkness but TK35 also having a battery cradle isn't the easiest either.
TK35 with the forward clicky button is more "tactical" than TK41's soft button. And I must say, TK41's soft button sometimes seems to need a more certain press or it won't turn on.
I wanted TK41 for its AA ability but it isn't rated for Alkalines on turbo either. I made an 8x Turnigy LSD AAs and another set of 8x Eneloops but this set isn't as practical as carrying a couple of 18650s, or 4xCR123 if you need for emergency situations. I'm proud of having one at home but there are other lights with similar throw (FandyFire STL-V6 for instance at $45), use 18650, weigh less and easier to carry.
If it was me i would be all over the TK41 (especially combined with 8 sanyo eneloops
The tk31 doesn't seem like a good buy nowadays anymore (not to me at least)
Man o man if i could spend the money the tk41 would DEFINITLY be mine.. too bad i don't :(
Hopefully it will become a little cheaper over time..
True, true. But I also got Ld40 and Ld25 for NiMHs. If you plan to use AAs it is still safer to drain 1 amps max.
TK60 and TK41 have basically the same head. Because it is mentioned, i have to add here that TK60&TK41 both have higher lumen and a bit higher throw than Catapult V3.
Gotta say I love that tk41. And I had no idea it will run off of 4 batteries vs 8.
I have the TK 41 and would highly recommend it. It seems to run forever on 8 eneloops, and does just fine on alkalines as well. I bought two 40-packs of AA batteries from Costco just to store and use in the TK41 in case the power goes out (again) in San Diego.
The throw is spectacular with the TK41, the beam is a nice white, and there is still a ton of spill.
But what impresses me most about it is that on the lowest setting, it is still brighter than a standard Maglite and will run for 280 hours on that setting. That is 25 nights, running all night every night. Not many flashlights can do that; almost a month of use on one set of batteries.
The other advantage to the TK41 is that to non-flashoholics, it looks like a regular Ray-o-vac size light, not a $110 light. I like that, I don't want visitors to be tempted by it, hanging from a nail inside my garage door.
Almost forgot the other great reasons I like it: Side Clicky, and you do not have to cycle through strobe modes.
Also, standard alkalines work fine on the TK41 in Turbo mode. But it is pretty rare that I stay in Turbo mode for more than a minute or two at a time. Usually when I am lighting up rabbits in my lower yard for my beagle to chase...
I believe that.
My TK41 works with alkaline AA batteries on turbo mode. I have not read anywhere where it didn't until just now on this thread.
As stated before. This baby really throws. Not quite as good as my M3X but it's close enough that it really doesn't make any difference. It also gives out more usable light at closer ranges. I really love all the modes. The lowest or low mode runs forever without changing the batteries. The medium mode is bright enough for just about anything I will ever need a light for and will out throw my Olight M20s and will run for 27 hours on one set of batteries. High mode takes it up a level and is great for lighting up a room while tail standing and lasts for about 7.5 hours before needing to change out the batteries. Kick it up to Turbo and let the smiles begin. I probably won't use the turbo mode very much but it's great to have when I need it or when I'm showing off.
ILIKE: I know how much you like throw lights. I have seen your photos of the difference between your Crelant and your M3X. The difference between my M3X and my TK41 as far as throw is probably less that the difference I see between your two lights. I like holding using my M3X and the way it feels in my hand a little better than the fatter body of the TK41 but the usefulness and the extra lumens and spill of the TK41 set it apart from all my other lights.
Having the M3X on hand is great because it's just a little more powerful. It's like my 300 Winchester Mag. rifle sitting in my gun case. It's nice to know it's there if I ever want extra power but I don't use it very much anymore. The TK41 just gets used more.
BTW: I bought a Titamium 8 spot AAA/AA battery charger that comes with a car adapter. It was only about $25 and I can charge the 8 batteries that I need for the TK41 all at once.