This can happen when you store a battery alongside metal objects

Found this today on Reddit

I think now I will avoid mixing my extra 18650 battery with coins in my jersey pocket on my cycling rides.

that is why we all invest in good storage containers. but that guy must’ve had a open/spare battery in his pocket. normally an ecig wouldn’t short out like this.

Uhhhh… This is a story of an ‘exploding’ e cig. (gosh I HATE the use of the term ‘exploding’ here! Grr)

Aye carumba :person_facepalming:

Gosh. Sure hope there was not a child in that baby carriage.

That story was surprisingly non-alarmist.

That’s why we are using protected batteries for flashlights.

That guy is learning (probably) the hard way.

Beside dangers of short circuit (he shorted battery probably with car keys) there is another big problem if unprotected li-ion is used:

Rewrapping unprotected batteries is serious job.

Some manufacturers/sellers are cheating by rewraping ICR batteries instead of real hybrid IMRs.

Selling 5 Amp ICR unprotected battery and advertising it as 35 or 40 Amps (fake Amp limit rating) is never good idea.

Efest batteries

this is the reason i print 3D case for my 18650

Not me.
Only my 14500s are protected (or they would be drained terminally by ‘dual chemistry’ boost drivers).
I keep spares in a plastic box, never loose in a pocket or something.

Possibly a ‘sub ohm’ vaper using CrapFire cells or other brands that claim to be high drain, but aren’t…
A.f.a.i.k. only VTC4, 5 and 6 are up to such jobs without potential problems.

Without potention problems
Nah, with high current(15-30A)
Always pay attentions, whichever branf you are using

Explosion = BOOOOM!

Not quite the same.

Can we see?

I am fascinated with 3D printing, but no time available for yet another hobby :slight_smile:

Sorry for bad background(or quality)
It’s quite easy to use, you even can print”another 3d printer”

Buy one of these, though they usually cost $1ish at most places, check local stores
They fit 18650s very effectively

:person_facepalming: Ya’ just can’t fix stupid. :person_facepalming:

Why anyone would think it was a good idea to carry a battery, any battery; loose in a pocket filled with metal is beyond me. :frowning: