This is a kind and excellent forum

Up to now,BudgetLightForum have given me more help.

I just want to express my appreciation here.
This forum is the best one between all forum I contacted.

Heartfelt blessing~

BLF is my favorite forum, and the only one that I post on regularly.

The people here are great, and there's so much to learn.

Yeah,people here are so kind. I do like them. :heart_eyes:


Yes! BLF is the friendliest, most helpful forum I’ve ever seen! :partying_face:

people on here are absolutely amazing.

I like it. When it comes to flashlights I have a lot to learn.

Also intelligent! :student:

It’s refreshing to have competent and intelligent people who can contribute without a conversation degenerating into a vulgarity-laced flame war.

Definitely the best forum I’ve ever been a part of…



Yes! This is why I am here only:)

i know a little about electronics, but i have a lot to learn about the LED lights.

i agree with the OP, and this is an amazing and excellent use of the whirled wide websticle.

I learnt a lot from this forum and everyone is friendly here.

BLF is the only forum I’ve ever been an active part of.

I don’t do social media at all. No Facebook account. No Twitter account. This is it right here…

I didn’t even intend to be an “active” member here. I just wanted to talk to a few people who knew way more than I did so that I could get a good EDC light on a budget. The goodness of this forum and all the helpful and generous members here drew me in to my surprise. Getting involved and learning a LOT more than I ever expected is just one of the many great things that happened along the way. :slight_smile:

This now my second home. :sunglasses:

Agree lots of excellent people willing to share knowledge on a great topic being flashlights.
