That white barn from where I’m standing is right at about 385yds. The M3X I have which is a very good sample will hit it from here, but that is getting out there for its limit in throw. No way will it do much past 400yds.
Just to prove my point and this one on man exposure at 1.4 sec shutter f3.2 and ISO 400 is probably a little bit on the overexposed side but 1.2 sec usually underexposes the image. But nonetheless this was taken at right at 370yds. Now I didn’t zoom in much but I did that to let you see how far the barn is. Don’t concentrate so much on the white barn but the plant growth in front of it. At 400yds you would have trouble even seeing it.
Even 700yds which is 2100ft is farther than most production flashlights will carry and actually light up objects to where you can clearly see them. Sure some lay claims to 700 meters of throw, but seeing it live where I live is another story.