Can anyone recommend a good thrower for a range of 200-300 yards?
Whoa, that is pretty much.
Currently only one manufactured ‘dedicated’ thrower flashlight can output that much, and even that cannot sustain that output for too much time.
It is Imalent R90C. Except that one, most throwers can only output about 2000 to 8000 lumens.
Anyway, that output means very quick heat buildup in the flashlight body (which may result in a rather early stepdown in output /and by this, the effective throw distance as well/).
You might want to specify a throw distance (or candela intensity) first.
Thanks very much adam7027. I’ve edited my post to include distance rather than lumens. I really appreciate your comments.
Astrolux MF02 (~2200 lumens),
Lumintop ODL20C (~2000 lumens),
Haikelite MT07 Buffalo (~5000 lumens),
Haikelite MT07S XHP35 Hi (2200 lumens?)
Convoy C8+, Emisar D1S, GT Mini will all hit that distance no problem too if you want to save some cash.
To get an easy, pleasant illumination, I recommend for aiming at an illumination level of 1 lux and above. The ANSI FL-1 standard calculates throwing distance for 0.25 lux.
You can find a calculator here (for any desired illuminance level):
You can find here some examples for different illumination levels:
Your requirements means, that a good candidate will have at least 75 000 candela maximum intensity.
I’d recommend to achieve this with less than 2500 lumens maximum output (e.g. flashlights with single XP-L HI or XHP353 HI emitter) - other bells and whistles (flashlight brand, user interface, other features) are up to your preference
The Thrunite Catapult V6 has to be in the running for an option for you. I had it out last night with my dogs going nuts in the back yard. Lit up a coyote minimum 100 yards, clear as day and he didn’t appreciate it. Took off and it looked like he had a broadway show spotlight on him until the edge of the woods, ~250yards out easy.
The kit has a 26650 included, built in charging. It’s hard to beat.
I can build you one that will throw much further than that
Convoy L2:
CPF Cometa:
Look on the right side for “Other Warehouse” - for me it would be cheaper to buy that thing from the UK warehouse
A common c8 will accomplish your throw needs with XP-L HI or XHP-35 Emitter. Try Kaidomain site and look at KDLitker C8.2.
I also REALLY like the Emissar D1S and Lumintop ODL20C!
Thrunite catapult v6
Emisar d1s
The KD C8s with XHP35s were tested and found to be GREATLY underperforming from their listed output.
Thanks so much to adam7027, Aleister, BurningPlayd0h, ZW99GT, n10sivern, L4M4, wstrachan, and Newlumen for your help and assistance in my post on 12/13/2018.
All of your input was very helpful in my decision for a new thrower.
Thanks again.
Acebeam t27
Thanks very much, Anthon. That’s a high rated thrower. I appreciate it.
Like the above guy states, spend $35 shipped on an Emisar D1S and move on to the next project.
You can even carry it in your pocket, as long as you’re not wearing skinny jeans.
Whut’s the throw of an L2? No one mentioned that critter yet…