Thrower upgrade from LD41 to TS30S Pro

The only “thrower” I had was a Fenix LD41 I bought in 2012.

So a few weeks ago I decided to upgrade it with the Wurkkos TS30S Pro SBT90.2 LED :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, at this time of the year, it’s getting dark to late so I go to bed instead of playing with it outside lol. Anyway, I took a few beamshot inside for now.

Fenix LD41

Workkos TS30S Pro

Your’s to guess which one is where…

Cam ajusted to these settings. Sorry, I’m not a professionnal photographer. I’m opened to suggestions:
ISO 100
Aperture F2.0
Shutter speed 1/200

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I have a TS30, so tempted to just buy a TS30 Pro so that I can have Anduril 2 lol

I’ve heard you can flash it to the old model but it’s a bit of a mess disassembling, with notable risk of damage to the light (particularly the switch)

Bah, doesn’t worth it IMHO.