Hey guys. Just found out that a Youtube user is giving away some Thrunite lights to 3 lucky winners. His youtube channel is "CutleryLover" and apparently ThruNite donated a T10S, a 2014 TiS, and 3 original Ti# lights to be given away.
Here is a link to the contest video if anyone is interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtcmtcK5Oz8&feature=c4-overview&list=UUvSmJ60pbqQqqCDojWTspfw
Its going well, how well I dont know, apparently I cant read the stats on youtube properly. Got to be in it to win it.
Now to mark as spam and get the thread deleted to eliminate some competition.
LOL! probably wouldn’t help. In only a day or two there are over 6000 comments. I get frustrated with the odds on BLF giveaways. But figured others would love to jump in for a shot at it.