Thrunite is selling tn30 and tn31 heads only now

interesting… a little pricey though

I agree. The TN31 head costs more than a K40. :frowning:

Holy crap that is very expensive.
But then again, the battery carrier and the battery tube are probably worth around $40-50 when sold separately. I know the battery carrier is sold for $30 on eBay by the thrunite store.

I have put in a couple of orders with them, and today received one light from the last order, which was a 5 light order.
Not sure if they are behind on production or what.

i suppose this would be a way for me to get around the flickering issue i had with the tn30

i have the tn31mb from michael johnson - the battery carrier has been sandblasted so it makes better contact…

but then again so has the contact plate on the head

i wonder if we will see some good deals on just the head pop up from maybe wall buys?

i think i would be willing to pay around $75-80

Hmm… I’m not entirely sure why anyone would want to buy heads separately.

Maybe for an XM-L -> XM-L2 upgrade?

probably to have both tn30 and tn31 for less. But the price is just too high. $80 will be good.