Thrunite TN31 and TN30 Presentation Boxes – Desireability and Dimensions Please.

Thrunite TN31 and TN30 Presentation Boxes – Desireability and Dimensions Please.


Question 1) Do the ThruNite TN31 and TN30 always come in aluminum Presentation Cases like the L3 K40? If so, could someone do a big favor and determine the exact measurements of the little “suitcases”? This may be asking too much but I’m also interested in shipping them and wonder what the weight of the light with and without case is.

Question 2) Is the aluminum case a big selling feature or would people rather save 10 to 20 dollars?

Thanks in advance for the input.



I like the aluminum case of the TN31. Especially the metal name plate on the top is a nice feature. I would pay the extra money for this customize case.

I rather save some money since most of my lights get used regularly,

Dimensions of the TN31 aluminum box

25.5 cm x 12 cm x 13.5cm ( 16cm if you include handle and rubber feet)

I’d love to have a TN30, but won’t buy one because of the stupid box. It’s bad enough that the light itself won’t be worth half its current value this time next year.