Thrunite TN36 - not waterproof

The day I got my TN36 I put it in a cold sink of water to see if it leaked. I was a little bit put out to see a few bubbles but thought nothing of it.

Tonight it fell in the bath!

I left it on for a few minutes to dry off and when I went to turn it off it wasn’t turning off. The switch seemed to be knackered.

I wiggled the switch and it turned off but wouldn’t come back to life. I checked the batts in another light, they were fine. I kept on at the switch and water started coming out of it, just a bit but enough to know it’s not water proof.

I left it a while thinking it might be thermal cut out. It wasn’t!

After a few taps and time left on a radiator I got a bit of life out of it. It’s still not happy but it powers up.

So the lens is misted up and some string like stuff has appeared out the top.

I left it on turbo for five mins and it started bubbling out of the switch :slight_smile:

Contacted the seller to see whats what.

thats some freaky stuff! string started coming up …. no
but man i would have been scared to keep that light on when the switch started fizzing up like that . just sounds like it might start a fire hehe.
im sorry about your tn36 tho. hope everything works out. its a darn expensive light.

so the lens fogging up is due to water in the light or something? i have a light where the lens fog up also. but it never touched water.

Considering their description of the light being IPX-8 waterproof to 1.5 meters, that's unacceptable. Sorry this happened to you, it's not a cheap light by any stretch of the imagination.

The wife was wondering why in hell I was keeping the light on considering it was bubbling but I thought the light was only bubbling due to heat around the switch area. Water and batteries aren’t a good mix but I was fairly sure it wouldn’t explode because of the low voltage. Also if it was going to go bang I’d have thought it would have gone bang earlier with more water in the switch.

The light itself has de-misted after draining an entire set of batts in it on turbo and no more water was coming out of the switch assembly but I’m definitely after a replacement as you don’t know what damage the water has done inside the unit.

You were playing with your flashlights in the tub? you got it bad.

Heated flashlight+water is not a good idea. Heated air inside the flashlight will push out of it hence the bubbles of air. It gets promptly replaced with water inside.

That makes sense, you’ve just got to wonder how / why the item gets its IPX-8 1.5m rating.

Flashlights make bath time fun time :smiley:

if they say it’s IPX-8 waterproof…it should be waterproof…hot or cold

I gave my 2.5yr old my Thrunite TN31 as a bath toy. He loves it. turn the lights off and he lights up the bubbles and inspects everything with his torch :smiley:

IPX 8 from wikipedia “The equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer. However, with certain types of equipment, it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that it produces no harmful effects”
Yeah it should have been waterproof, but the rating is degraded by the mention of “specified by the manufacturer”.

- Waterproof to IPX-8 Standard (1.5meters).

1. 30 days free replacement. Any defective light will be offered free replacement by our distributors or dealers unconditionally.

The item is now packaged up and will be on its way to ThruNite Germany for replacement.

shame its cost me £20 to ship it but hey ho.

Now for the big question - will you take the replacement for a bath?

I’m tempted :smiley:

It’s a £20 experiment but the thing SHOULD work.

I don’t get the idea of trying to dry it out via powering up the torch. Surely once the water is in the torch the best way to get it out is via putting it in a warm dry environment and letting some time pas? Switching it on could just fry the electrics I would have thought.

You’ve clearly not felt how hot one of these things gets when it’s on Turbo. 75deg C / 167 deg f. That’s hotter than my radiators and the heat would have come from the inside.

I did leave it on the radiator over night but it was still glitchy this morning

The big question here m8 is : Is that flashlight realy deserves its price