Tiny black dot on LED

Hi Guys, This definitely wasnt there before, no big deal but has anyone seen this before? If you look at the die, you can just about see it! Have i burned it slightly?

One of my XP-L also having this problem. Mine suddenly appear after reflow.

It wasnt there after re flow, but only thing i did was drive it on overdrive for about 60 seconds on the BLF driver. It got quite warm but not to hot to hold.

If it is a hard driven XP-L Hi, that is a big deal, a dark bit like that can absorb so much heat radiation that is may burn and make a mess of your silicon layer.

Theres no fixing it now! :smiley:

Ill keep an eye on it if it gets worse ill replace it.


probably a flux spatter.try wiping it gently with a swab and alcohol.
and it will generate a hotspot and burn.
had one on an xml2.
alcohol(isopropal 91%) cleaned it right off.

Nah its definitely under the silicon!

Might sounds silly but try and wipe it of i had the same on my XPL-HI and i wiped it and it worked lol

Had a similar problem with an XHP-35 in the Acebeam K70 and it seems to be a common problem in that light. In my case I was able to clean it off by a combination of gentle scraping and cleaning with alcohol and swab (q-tip).

Whenever I see a mark on an LED I use an aspheric lens taken from a cheap zoom flashlight as a magnifying glass. If it’s on top of the LED I trying blowing it off with an air sprayer. If that doesn’t work I use alcohol wipes.

If it’s under the dome, then it is permanent damage to the LED. I’d discard that LED and replace it with a fresh one.

Cheers guys. I had to use some copper wire in the end to get it off it was really burnt on!