This morning tried to use my new TK75 (2015 edition) and it didn't work. Pulled the 30Q's that were fully charged a week or two ago when put in the light to do a very quick test to see if the light worked. The cells were all around mid .2 volts. Didn't have time to investigate the cause. A quick search didn't seem to turn up any issue like this. So maybe its a defect isolated to my light. Anyone hear of others having this cell destroying issue?
I have the 2013 3 emitter 2900 lumen version, and I have no issues like that. I can go a couple of months without using it, and it still works on turbo with no noticeable loss in battery life.
Do you have a spare carrier(run time kit), may just be that and could try one to narrow down. Where are you based? could send one in post to you.
Had a couple of tk75’s and never had this issue, locked out(several turns of tail cap) or not. No parasitic drain at all…………Over the years, only odd issue i have read has been to do with the carrier. In there it has the polarity protection iirc. Maybe fenix will send another FOC to you…………just a presumption.
Oh man…. I have seen this before… some one else found your light and had a great time turning night to day, then they put it back where they found it when it stopped working it’s magic. Normal suspects? friends, kids, or angry wife.
Darnit, must have a new gnome infestation. Gotta order some new GnomeBgone.
I had that model too (now modded). Same experience as you. Thank Glenn.
I have one on the way. Good idea. Maybe I can check the carrier by itself in the mean time.
I placed a ticket with Banggood for a replacement or return. Thanks guys.
Not sure on standard but may be worth a go Ima4, remove the polarity protection from the carrier for some extra lumen. Vinh got his tk75vnQ70 from 15k to over 16k by removing it……………of course being extra careful when fitting cells.
Thanks for the input. I've played with the TKxx carriers some in the past.
Very cool, thanks for sharing………….great thread :+1: