TK75 is here!!! Picture's here!!!

I just got word that my TK75 will be here Saturday!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Well it didn’t show up today like the tracking said it would…. No beamshots now until Monday…. :frowning:


Looking forward to the great photos Rick.

Thanks guys… Ready to see if it will light up that tower!!!

Sweet! Can't wait to see how one compares against the BTU. Part of me thinks they made a mistake in making the reflector smaller than the TK70 but the other part thinks maybe they reshaped it so it still throws as well. Can't wait to see what you find out. Congrats!

I just hope it will be really close to the output of the TK70, I just don’t like the battery set up in the TK70 so that’s why I am going with the TK75 and the size… Thanks JM

I just got the tracking number for my TK75 and my 6-Hi-Max 18650’s it should be here Friday or Saturday at the latest… I can’t wait to compare it to the TK70!! :bigsmile:

This ought to be good.

Show-Me-State Show-Down!

And don’t scratch my used to be TK70 pal!

A scratch!! You know better than that, You know my lights are spotless just like yours!! :bigsmile:

Well one things for sure, if folks ever do buy our lights they will know firsthand what they are getting. LOL!

Looking forward to your impressions on this one. As I have a TK70 and want to know if I should also pursue the TK75 :wink:
By the way do you happen to have a TN30?

No I don’t but I have the TN31.

OK, thanks. Was wondering how much better the 75 would be. I have the TN31 also, great thrower in a small package.

whats cheapest deal tk75 atm ?

Gotta see the TK70 vs TK75…. :cowboy_hat_face:

…. just bought a used TK70 with batteries, because a new windshield can wait, I gotta compare ’em…. H)

vs dedomed SST-90 copper mount VPT on a 4-D-Cell extension, vs OSTS TN31, vs the HIDs……vs coming X40……madness, this…. :money_mouth_face:

You will tonight :bigsmile: :smiley: I can’t wait… I thought I was going to have it Saturday so it was killing me waiting all weekend!!!

Well it showed up today and it’s awesome… Here are some pictures…

Are you the guy who beat me on that ebay auction??!

Sheer awesomeness

Really Nice :slight_smile: