TK's Emisar D4V2 review

Hi all,

Thanks TK for this review and for your wonderful UI. I enjoy very much my brand new Emisar D4v2 (with Nichia E21A).

I have played with the Aux LEDs, found this feature very nice but I noticed that:

  1. The red is much dimmer than all other colors. How come?
  2. I dont' understand the "Volts" function as described in TK's diagram. When I select it (releasing the switch during the next pattern after "Rainbow"), the LEDs are blue. How is this battery check function supposed to work?
  3. I get different colors for the same color selection, according to the brightness level selected, for a few colors only. Example: if I select yellow (almost orange in fact) when the brightness is set to High, when I turn the brightness to Low (3 times 3 clicks) the LEDs are dim green, instead of dim yellow. This happens for yellow-orange, cyan, and a strange color which is supposed to be white in TK's diagram, but is more a light rosish orange. For all these three colors in High mode, the LEDs are green if set to Low mode.

OTOH, High blue, red, green and violet stay the same if turned to Low.

I can see this (faulty?) behavior when circling through all colors in Low mode by keeping the switch depressed after a 3H: the green shows up once shortly (corresponding to the High "not-so-white"), then shows up again after red and stays on longer because it replaces the expected yellow-green-cyan sequence.

Do you folks see the same behavior on your own light(s)?