Tmart $5 off, EXPIRED, DONE

Discount: $5
Coupon Code: BLACK598
Expire Date: 11/30/2012


(I used the coupon code.) :bigsmile:

Received the same code, so not “one use only” :wink:

That's good to hear.

In case anyone cares, I ordered a TrustFire Z8. Only $12 after the coupon. :)

I might sound a little bit stupid right now, but where do I enter it?
Also when I try to enter my mail adress for the free tmart points, it says my email is invalid, which isn’t true …

Go to checkout not paypal

Their HD2010 is now $23 after the coupon… anyone?

thanks - just got a laser pointer for about 50 cents shipped lol

I got one of those colored SK68 for $3.89. Good deal! Thanks O-L.

T-Mart gives $5 off, no question asked. Unlike stoopid DX which gave me coupon $5 off 30, but need date/time to be precise @*&^#*&.

Whoever wanna try, here's $5 off $30 for DX, didn't work for me because of time difference or something. I'm not gonna use it either.


Glad to hear it works for multiple uses, Enjoy!

Was just going to order a 26650 cell, but the coupon’s expired. :~

Thanks for the deal though OL!

Expired when I tried

expired when I tried

I bought these 2 packs of these 3v batteries for only $3.18 saved me $2.81 compared to buyingcoins.


Tmart you a great seller.

Got myself a tk35 clone for less than $22

new code is “black588”

Thanks for the new coupon!

Is there a difference between this HD2010 for 30$ and this HD2010 for 28$ ?

Thanks, that worked!

Sorry, the new coupon has run out.

I tried the coupon, and bought a trustfire TR-3t6 for $28,50, thank you!

I was thinking about the HD 2010 as well for $23, but then the coupon expired. Don’t know if I can justify another flashlight even though a new coupon appeared… :~