TN40S Discount.

Somebody have a coupom discount for this light?

This light really worth the money?

That thing seems a serious flooder and thrower :heart_eyes:

If the price cannot be changed, some clone around by half the price?

Thanks :+1:

Don’t know about discounts, but the Jetbeam T6 will come close to it in performance for a lot less money.

Thanks Pilot, I’m searching for beamshots of that T6 :smiley:

There is a –20% coupon :{Xmas}, till 23/12 .If someone lives in EU,he can get it via and it is postage and Customs free.
You can ask at, as you live in Brasil.

They dont sent to brazil unfortunately :cry:

So, that imalent dt35 seems a better deal, twice the lumens and close throw :heart_eyes:

I only dont know if that dt35 have the same quality like thrunite have :zipper_mouth_face: