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I’d vote Dale but it wont let me pick all 3. This is for your 3 pack of lights correct?
I thought it’d be neat to go out and get a real world comparison. But what is real world? Matter of perspective I guess, as we surely all use lights for different purposes in different ways. Make sure your portal is turned on and I’ll drop in when it gets dark, we can use that driveway of yours for some beamshots.
A football stadium, with the lights in one end zone, lighting towards the other, with the camera at the 50 yard line, wayyyy up in the high seats, where you can really see the total output of the light from there.
Nice concept OL, might just have to do that TOO!
I wonder if the MT-G2 in the middle would allow the XP-G2 and XM-L2 on either end to show up? Run all 3 at once about 15 yds apart and in the end zone.
I don’t know if they wouldn’t just blend together too much as the beams spread out over the distance. A mouse over of all three or an animation of all three (slow one), might work too.
I’ll ask Jerry if we can do it in Cowboy stadium, now wouldn’t THAT be cool! lol
Would it still be pertinent to get shots from behind the light in a you-were-there perspective? I’d like to get that from on high as well but that probably won’t happen. I’ll do the other though, from midfield showing the full beam profile, will probably have to break out the pro gear for that but it’ll be worth it. Wish I had a flashaholic friend here in Temple to make some of this stuff easier to pull off. Might have to see if my daughter can come down from Waxahachie and help me with it, she is a photographer as well and understands the concepts.
And no one outside the US would know, how far each point is away from the others and how long everything is…
Better is a “nature” photo with trees and a snapshot with markings, how far every tree is…
L4M4, the field would also be under satellite surveillance, easy to put Google Earth on it and see the layout in metric.
I’ll still do the hiking trail scene as well, because I like the idea of the lights in a real use situation.
This is a pretty small town, not much by the way of parking garages around…but I might still try to find something that will fill that bill too. Because A) I’m a flashaholic and love playing with the lights and B) I’m a photographer and love playing with my gear
See if you can google Temple High School Football Stadium in Temple, TX, tell me what you think of the stadium approach. It’s laid out in 10 yard increments for a 100 yard football field, 50 yards wide. 10 yard deep end zones on each end. Google Earth will easily show metric equivalents.
Well, I think the yardage could easily be marked on the photos. The reason I don’t like outdoor shots with all the trees and such, is that you really do not see how much light is being put out, because the trees absorb so much of the light. A shot on a bare tree in winter looks brighter than a green tree in summer. The best way is probably how rdfronty did it with a white sheet. Outdoor shots are also very misleading depending on the color tint of the led. White light appears brighter than the exact same amount of neutral or warm light, even if the lux readings were exactly the same, they would “look” different. Our eyes deceive us all the time. I know I do outdoor shots, but that’s because I don’t have a good place to take shots where someone won’t get upset when I do them. It’s the easiest way, but not the best way. Anyhow, it’s all just subjective.
What I really want is a few shots of a really hot young female model holding your flashlights, while wearing the tiniest camo thong, while out in the woods. That would be a true test of your photographic skills. I know, but I am old and politically incorrect means nothing to me....
What’dya think?
A soccer stadium is far more international friendly! I'm that 1 in a million US fan that would rather see a ManU - Chelsea game than a Cowboy - Redskin game . Soccer fields though are not all the same size
, though there are strict rules on what their allowable range is.
Soccer fields, here, have no stadium. No “high seats” to look down from. While we do have some soccer fields, and access would be easy, they are just wide open expanses of green, not really conducive to showing the breadth and scale of a flashlight.
Now, on the other hand, a camo thong wearing model holding my lights might very well be an interesing challenge. Because I would have to account for the beam profiles of the 3 lights themselves, the lighting that would illuminate the model without adding overly harsh light that would cancel out said beams, and not show the Photographer concentrating too hard and watering the grass under his chin. Video of said photographer running from a 5’ tall enraged spouse might also be equally entertaining. So, should I have my daughter bring a model friend? To hold the lights of course!
Oh, and Tom, we are Americans! Not Internationally known for being Internationally friendly! And I’m not that much younger than Justin, so political correctness be hanged.
What I really want is a few shots of a really hot young female model holding your flashlights, while wearing the tiniest camo thong, while out in the woods. That would be a true test of your photographic skills.
I know, but I am old and politically incorrect means nothing to me….
I like this plan thats been deleted. If your taking pictures of cowboys, for whom I dont know, could you also get pictures of the cowgirls. The lights would show us the difference on tints with the makeup. Thanks Dale.
A soccer stadium is far more international friendly! I'm that 1 in a million US fan that would rather see a ManU - Chelsea game than a Cowboy - Redskin game
. Soccer fields though are not all the same size
, though there are strict rules on what their allowable range is.
And even then you're taste is awful ;)
- Matt (up the mighty Gunners!)
Edit: oh yeah the question at hand lol. I voted hiking trail because it gives a good idea of the side spill but can also show how far it throws. It would really highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the beam. It would really only work on a straight trail with medium to dense flora either side. A garage cannot really show the throw, and a Gridiron field is too open to truly show spill.
My 2c :)
I agree with Matt the Wiser. Which is why I’ve lined up some assistance to go out to a relatively remote hiking trail as soon as the weather permits.
I was going to vote for a parking garage, a large commercial one, not a domestic one, then I scrolled down…
the football field would be epic !
especially with cheerleaders
The trail shows real life the best but the football field would be more fun
!{width:100%}! What’dya think?
I think they need to give the ball to Carr more often ...and hit DeAngelo Bell in the flat. I also think Hunter McVeigh is one to watch .