Shenzhen-wholesale.com, Easylightbuy.com and Izlight.com are all in Shenzhen City , P.R.China and have similar company profiles. They all seem to be run directly or indirectly by Jack Zang. Shenzhen-wholesale has the unusual practice of emailing shipping cost after the order is placed, while the others, at least usually, have free shipping. They have large, partly overlapping, product lines of unusual and inexpensive flashlights. Some lights have their own brand names. I found them all by searching on Google for lights I wanted and choosing the lowest price. This can be misleading with Shenzhen-wholesale, so the other two should be preferred if they have the item listed. I have not tried bargaining over the shipping cost, but my guess is that it might be flexible, especially if several things are ordered at once. They are a good source of unusual hosts to upgrade the emitters of. Other names associated with them include Shenzhen Zhangyang Technology Co.,Ltd and Hong Kong Zhangyang Technology. It is very confusing, but I have good stuff from them.