Just wondering if its bad what I am doing as I want to be as safe as i can. I read its okay to top off Li-ion batteries, but i am concerned with every day use. I typically use my zebralight 14500 battery every night and it usually only uses about 10 percent. So, before I leave at night in the daytime every day, I top off the 14500 until full, for the night in case i need to use the light a lot more and Im using it with my sc52 using burst 500lm mode usually.
Is it okay to top off every day? Or is that somehow over charging? And is that very bad for these batteries? Thanks for any help. I read a thread where guys top off their 18650’s every day, but im concerned with the 14500 mostly, but in any case how about both types of Li-ions? Is topping off on a daily basis a bad thing?
your average charge level is going to be over 90% which will reduce cell life
as long as this is not a problem then dont worry about it
if you want to maximize cell life then i would recharge twice a week
As long as your charger is good (CC/CV) it won’t overcharge. Its fine to keep them topped off. I wouldn’t consider it very bad.
Bort is correct that a battery kept over 90% all the time will age more but all li-ions will age unless you always keep them at 40% charge… and in the fridge at 0°C. You use them, they age.
Sorry to ask again, but can anyone confirm for me that my SC52 does NOT have reverse polarity protection? And, what would happen if I put the cell in wrong by mistake? Im just curious to be safe, and really don’t want to post another thread about this. Thanks guys.