Tri or Quad Optic Lights with Always On Colored AUX Leds?

I have a D4V2 on the way, and have to admit the color aux leds that you can leave on all the time was a big selling point to me.
Is there a list anywhere of all the lights out there that have aux leds like the D4V2?
If not, we should start one here :wink:
Ones I know of.

Emisar D4V2
Emisar D4SV2
Noctigon KR4
Astrolux MF01 Mini 7 (7 led optic)
Fireflies E07 (7 led optic)

You can add a board to the FW3a also I think? Came across that somewhere.

Lexel makes boards for quite a few e-switch lights to add aux LEDs. Iโ€™m sure it is possible to do as an add-on with most lights if you were determined.

D4S version 1 does as well. Itโ€™s not fancy RGB leds like some but, they can be left on all the time. I have green aux leds in mine. They are quite bright on the high setting. Canโ€™t leave it on the nightstand on high, it lights up the whole bedroom. Doable in the low mode though. Mine is also flashed with the latest Andruil thanks to bansuri so, I reckon itโ€™s pretty close to a V2. He already had all the necessary hardware and software to perform that operation. Thinking of getting set up with everything I need for flashing.

All the Fireflies lights have them, PL47 in addition to E07.