Actually, the whole extended family including 5 kids under 8, all took a trip to IKEA. It was my first trip to an IKEA and didn’t know what to expect. At first all 18 of us grased like a herd of cattle as we made our way through the different offerings through the store. It wasn’t long before I realized it was not a place for kids. Bored kids like to bother the closest adult. Climing and pulling, and at one point I had three kids following me inside of my coat exclaiming how big my bottom was.
We pushed our way through and I found a few things like ladda batteries and an extendable arm lamp for $9. It wasn’t actually that bad, but the best part was yet to come. While the group went through the checkout, my mother-in-law and I meandered our way to the “as is” section. This section is filled with some junk. Like a white sofa with red stains and bed frames without hardware. However, there are a few things without flaw that are there simply because it was a floor display. That is when I found this.
It’s a lockable display case that looks like it will work great for my flashlights! It’s a bit more to the industrial side which is nice as some of the displays I had looked at online and other places looked nice for knicknacks and such but wouldn’t quite mesh in my work space.
Anyway, at a discounted price of $120 it was still a bit too much, but my motherinlaw saw my face as I was looking it over and being the sweet lady she is, I ended up walking out of the store with a great gift. Going to IKEA with the mother-in-law can turn out to be a good thing! Now getting it home, well… that’s another story;)