I’m guessing it’ll have stumping short to medium range output (0-150m), but will struggle as a longer distance thrower because of the small reflectors’ size. I’m picking also that lux would not be huge from the 3 very small reflectors?
Comparison light is this one - the new Maxtoch SN6X-2S - a dedicated thrower and evolution of the excellent Skyray STL-V2 and earlier maxtoch SN6X-2. This new light is a single XML2 with 63mm head putting out 69-73k lux - ANSI 540 meters.
My guess is even the earlier model maxtoch/skyray - excellent throwers - would beat this Trustfire, and the newer Maxi will be much better beyond 150m or so.
Dedoming the new Maxtoch gives it about 160-175k lux - or 800-860 meters ANSI. Question is would dedoming the Trustfire’s three T6s in small reflectors give it the throw advantage?
The Trustfire will not stand a chance against the Maxtoch that you mention in terms of throw, but since the Trustfire has three XM-L it has the potential to give out much more lumens than the Maxtoch, but also heavily depends on how well it is driven and the heat dissipation issue.
Not many information I know about the above Trustfire, it seems to have bigger reflector than many 3T6 flashlights such as Skyray King, DRY… etc, so it does have some throw. If you want to buy it my suggestion is to see if you can swap its driver into DRY driver as sold in Fancyflashlight, which is possibly direct-drive on Turbo mode. Another more expensive but better option is this driver from IOS, but before you buy it you’d better check if the driver compartment allow for such a ‘big’ driver.
However at the price of $65.99 the Trustfire is seemingly not worth to buy at all. You pay an additional $10 and you can get either Solarstorm SP03 (2.0~2.5A to each emitter, throw >500m) or Trustfire TR-J19 (which is underdriven in stock form too).
By the way, maybe you already have noticed that the bigger head Maxtoch is available now, hopefully it is driven real hard but kinda unlikely, normally they just drive it with ~3A at most.
A 3 emitter XM-L light with a "compact head" will not be a thrower, especially not with domed emitters.
Btw, The IOS driver bibihang recommended is a buck driver, not suited if you want only have 2 batteries in series and 3 emitters (you would have to wire the emitters in parallel and get low output) For the same reason, I would not recommend the DRY driver either in that light..
Bibhang - not sure of amps with the new bighead maxtoch you mention but it measured 89-92k lux standard on my meter.
Small Sun T-08 is a good option but the maxtochs will be well past that for throw at 73 and 92k stock. Good light though - and evidently good to mod.
Not intending to buy this trustfire T6 myself - just noted someone else here buying it as a long distance thrower. I did not think that would be the case - more of a short to medium range blast - and that seems to be the consensus here also. I imagine runtime with three T6s would be pretty short also.