I’m about to get the Wurkkos TS21, but then came across the high drain current when the LED indicator is set to high. This seems to have been a bug, but it’s not clear if it’s been fixed. I couldn’t find much info about the cause of the bug or what the fix might be if there was a fix.
Just wondering if this drain issue is going to be a problem for new units purchased as of today. I really like having an indicator LED, and it’s one of my must haves.
In an email reply from Terry Lee @ Wurkkos, he described how the "issues" that plagued the TS21, and subsequently the TS10 (including the 'side switch LED' battery draining issue), were collectively diagnosed and resolved through a coordinated effort between Wurkkos engineers and key BLF members, including "gchart".
Terry also let me know that to ensure receipt of an updated TS21, to only place an order through the Wurkkos.com website, since all other sales channels, including all Amazon.com stores, may still have old inventory that will likely be sold off first.
If you want the current status about purchasing from a specific store or website, just PM Terry or email Wurkkos CS.
Well, yes, LVP might work now correctly. But the firmware update doesn’t change the fact, that a high aux level will drain the battery quickly. That needs some higher value resistors.