I have just purchased a UF 1405 and I’m trying to figure out how to put an XHP 35 HI in it, does anybody have an idea of what driver I can purchase on Mtn electronics which can drive it at the full 2.5 A? And which batteries I should use? 26350?
This beast if you can afford it:
And a 26650.
Any idea which 17mm driver I should use if I want to run a XHP 70 in it? Using 2 cells and a 6v 70
Same thing, but easier. Just configure the driver for 10A input, and 4,2A output. Now you’ve got 3300+ lumens out of the light.
It would be better to use a single 26650 with your light. Much more capacity, and higher current capability.
What about a DD like this FET + 7135 Driver - 17mm - MTN-17DDm
XHP35 Hi runs at 12v only and a direct drive driver can only provide as much voltage as a set of cells can provide or less. So you would have to run 3 cells in series for it to work with that LED. So in this case a boost driver is a much better option because it can boost voltage up high enough. You could use that driver for any led that can run on 6v.
You can do XHP70.2 (the beam will look better than XHP70) with this FET driver.
Select the Zener mod to use with 6V. You can’t easily use the FET+1 driver you linked because the 7135 doesn’t typically work well with 6V operation.
I purchased that very driver after doing research, I’m glad I made the right choice!
Thanks for the info, I’ll update once I complete the build