I had the UF-1405 with stock driver and it had 0.9A at the tailcap. A mod was inevitable, so I ordered the XHP70 Natural white.
Today it arrived and after some work it fit inside. The driver is bypassed but still there. All the wiring is stock. The emiter is dedomed (cold with a scalpel)
Batteries are charging while waiting for the night.
I tested with 26650 trustfire flames protected @ 4.16V it pulls 5.56A with the wires from the DMM. So it is more than that in reality.
The wires and springs and tailswitch are all stock, and I purposly left them like that to increase the resistance naturally and lower the amperage. It gets very hot after only a minute of running time. I had some old thermal paste and I put under the emiter.
Possible further mods:
Thermal paste on the thread of the pill. I will do this very soon, perhaps later today.
Spring bypass. But heat will increase… Perhaps not.
High Drain cells… Heat again. No.
FET driver, when I find one that will work in this combination. If I find one, then I will rework the entire light with fatter wiring, and bypasses and high drain cells (step 2 and 3) Untill then it will be like this.
It uses a 17mm driver correct? Might check out my (shameless plug) Texas Avenger driver series or PD Tripledown series. Both offer 17mm drivers with Zener’s. They also have some 7135’s for constant current modes so you don’t always cook the LED.
I should be getting my first batch of TA drivers in later this week or early next week to test. One of the test lights will actually be a 1405 with XHP50, although not sure when that will happen.
Nice work Put some beamshots from that XHP70 in full focus mode, would like to see how the + is projected.
If the driver is 17mm then the LD-2 is perfect candidate for this flashlight, output can be configured, stock is 6A. Also can be had for a reasonable price and time, 10 days or less from Croatia.
Здраво Боби. Thank you, much apreciated. I am reading into LD-2 right now. It needs an Eswitch, and this one does not have an eswitch. And also it comes with no spring as I can see? And needs parts to run in 6V mode? And 9A mode is still more parts? Perhaps you can send me a link to see where can I order it?
P.S. I painted the alumimium pill to remove artifacts, and put some thermal paste on the threads. That is all that can be done without driver. Also I made the lens go 0.8mm further front so it can go beyond infinity focus if needed.
Sales tread for the LD-2, the driver can work with normal physical switch and would need to be configured for 2S operation, also needs sense resistor swap if you want 9A current, but i would not recommend that 6A is enough, all that can be done by the seller if you are not able to solder tiny SMD parts yourself.
п.с. се знаеме од карклуб дружби, ако нешто те интересира или ако можам некако да помогнам слободно кажуј
I contacted the member about the driver. We will see what happens.
However I must say that I am surprised from the size of the projected die. I have a SK98 dedomed, and as it appears the XML T6 dedomed, and the XHP70 dedomed have the exact same size die projection!? This is on about 3 meters distance.
From reading on the forums I was expecting for EACH square to be as big as an XML. But this is very good indeed. Very tight.
It could be that the short distance of only 3 meters is doing some meddling with the projection. I will test with further distances later, and a Q5 nondedome.
EDIT: Just tested with Q5 domed. Q5 is a biiiiiit smaller at 10% smaller than XHP70. As it can be concluded XHP70 is NOT a very big die at all! Its XML sized! Which makes me very happy, indeed.
P.S.I would like to see your CouruiD01 in person, because that is one of the most beautiful lights in my eyes. I would love to have that with XPG3@6A…
Nice, that projection is way smaller than what i anticipated, and the cross in the middle is not pronounced as much as i thought it would be, cool aspherical light.
You are welcome anytime, just name the place and time. D01 is modded slightly, nothing spectacular, xml-2 u2 running at 5.8A with Samsung 30Q’s doing about 300kcd with not so well focused reflector, had a hard time doing that so i decided that it is good enough as it is.
You are seeing same size projection from dedomed xml and sliced xhp purely because of the size difference on the aspheric lenses, the bigger the lens the smaller the projection is, so if u compare xml vs xhp in same size flashlight you would be surprised by the results.
I never believe something without checking. So I checked. The lens does make a difference. Pics are overexposed and do not show the needed parameters, but it is evident that the XML behind the 1405 lens does make a lot smaller die projection. Each square is the same as an XML. Which is very logical, but I forgot the lens difference before this test.
So a XHP70 is 4 times larger than XML size die. Confirmed.
Still, the big lens does make a difference. Size does matter!
P.S. What would it do with a dedomed XPG3?! Laser?
You don’t want xp-g3, it can’t be dedomed easily and it doesn’t trow better than xp-g2, what you want is the old version of the xp-g2 s4 dedomed, although is almost impossible to acquire these days, paired with a host like the 1405 should be over 500kcd with laser tight beam.
That might very well be a good estimate, but the reason I asked was because I’ve observed the dedomed XHP50 and 70 to give lower lux numbers in reflector lights. Part of the reason for this is the small borders between the dies; there is always some image of these unlit borders in the reflector, which means the effective/average luminance is less. But I don’t know if the border issue is the only thing reducing the lux, or if the actual die luminance is also less.
But with an aspheric lens measuring the lux inside one of the dies in the beam would get around this border issue. So I wanted to see if the actual die luminance is in fact what you would expect from a dedomed XPL with a similar current.
Ive seen this thing in person, it is an absolute beast, ive never thought that XHP70 will perform this good in a ashperic flashlight, some people might not like the + shape on the beam and that is okay, not everyone preferences are the same.
We might measure someday with BobbyMK, but in theory an aspheric lens is giving a direct projection from the die. So the cross does not matter for throw, each die is on its own. I also put a wire under the lens to make the lens go further and blur the cross if needed. Personally I think it is on the floody side for an aspheric. The die is rather big in reality. Reflectors make a donut shape with lower center brightness and wider beam on a array led like XHP70, so I get what you mean. If throw is considered die size is crucial, an XPG2 dd would make a lot smaller projection, ~6.4 times less die area, and gain ~200m range.
P.S. I bridged the springs front and back to get a bit more ampers on drained battery, and I got ~0.4A more.
I have noticed that the 1405 has a pronounced ringy spot. I have painted the pill with matte black paint, few weeks ago. But it is still ringy. The retaining ring is black, but is rather glossy. Today I painted it matte black and the rings are reduced. So I found out the problem it is the retaining ring.
It needs to be sanded really-really coarsely, and on top of that painted with matte black. That is my idea.