Ultrafire 980L - replacement bezel?

My 980L is just about my EDC nowadays, fantastic light.
Only ‘niggle’ is the castellated stainless bezel, seems to catch in the pocket and just doesn’t ‘feel’ right etc.

Does anyone know of an available replacement flat edged bezel that will fit?
Doesn’t have to be stainless, as long as its not castellated.

Give it to a metal worker and let it be lathed flat :wink:
Or if you have time, get some sand paper and make it by yourself.

Castellation is too deep to remove, would be hardly and bezel left :frowning:

I’ll assume by the lack of response that no-one knows of one …………….

No worries, ta anyway

Sorry you’re not getting help.

I can only offer what’s been done by the giants upon whose broad shoulders I am honored to stand:

Foy has explored this topic quite thoroughly:
Search For Foybezel.

You’re right that there’s not much bezel left, but at least it’s not “tacticool”.

Meanwhile, as for the scary castellations, if your local gendarmerie want to call it “assault”, you can just tell them it is a “Flower-petal Beam Shaping device” :