I was just looking at DX and their recent lights and stumbled on an Ultrafire clone of the Sipik SK68. Instead of the usual XR-E emitter, this one has an XP-E emitter. Looks pretty interesting to me. I've always wondered how one of these lights would work with an XP-E or XP-G in it. This might be my chance. At $9.40 it could be cheaper but it's still cheaper than getting a regular one and replacing the emitter. Looks like it even comes with a holster. Not a bad deal if you ask me. What do you guys think? Has anyone put an XP-E in an SK68 before?
Draw and voltaage with different batt chems?
3W for 14500 seems like a low spec, but some of the samples others have posted were in that area, too.
Just ordered another from TMart and it also says 3W XPE, but they primarily mention AAs so it may do better with a 14500. I’ll post watts and other observations the day it arrives in What you got today thread when it arrives in prob 3 –4 weeks.
The BBQ version I got off Amazon will do 7W, and it came with an XPE. It rocks even with my Duraloops (Eneloops not so much).
Edit: I gave away an Ebay UltraOK clone, but I think it was XPE and just not driven as hard. The XPEs are super small die and dome, same result on a close wall. I’ve got a couple XREs, but not aspherics.
I’ve briefly tried an XRE with my 501 aspheric but it didn’t focus down to the die size. I suspect the larger dome on the XRE is going to scatter more light and be less bright, but higher binning efficiency may offset some of that. I’ve been wondering if de-doming and XRE would yield a smaller die; just a theory since I don’t have one in FTT.
Nice. How does the other xp-e compare to the xr-e models? Any difference in die size or brightness in throw mode?
Yesterday i received two ultrafire-branded sk68 clones from banggood.com, one silver and one black
i already had one from focalprice.com
here they are:
UF - UF - Sipik
i’ve ordered a black one from banggood earlier, and that was a different model even though the SKU was the same.
I was a bit surprised to see the different led in the new ones, but i checked flashlightwiki and saw that i probably got XP-Es.
i tried them with blue trustfire batteries (4,01-4,04 v) , and the new UF XP-Es both pulled 1,5 A, while the sipik XR-E pulled 1,15 A.
i don’t know if it’s the led or the different designs, but the XR-E beam is a bit wider overall, and has an ugly outer ring which the XP-Es don’t have.
the black ultrafire have an open metal-ring instead of a usual o-ring for zooming friction, which feels and sounds quite bad.