And now they can't even do overnight shipping, and not even resorting to Saturday delivery.
This isn't my worst experience with UPS either. The worst was when they accepted a package they couldn't deliver within an hour of the shipping address, and even said as much when I called them about it. I ended up losing a day of work to retrieve that package, and the gas cost a couple times more than the shipping fee. Amazon refunded my shipping that time, and will probably do it again this time, but I wish I could just opt out of using UPS.
We'll see. There's still a chance it could be delivered today even if they're website already told me to give up hope.
The status keeps changing. It was saying it had been rescheduled to arrive on Monday. Then it said it was left in the UPS facility and would be rescheduled, but didn't have a new delivery date. Then it added "Exception" to the top. I did some looking around, and that probably meant they kind of lost the package, and at best was a little behind and decided to push the package off to the next day instead of taking an extra step to make sure the package got out. Now it still says it's in the UPS facility, but the expected delivery date is today again. It doesn't say it's out for delivery though.
...and now it's back to being an exception with no expected delivery date.
I feel lucky not running into difficulties like this with UPS, USPS, or Fedex. I’ve received probably 3 dozen packages in my life and have not once had trouble. And sent a few on my own with no trouble.
I've sent lots of packages and received lots of packages, and it seems like UPS is the only one that screws up. And I mean that literally. I don't recall having a single problem with USPS or Fedex. I do a lot of Priority Mail (2-3 day) with USPS and have done thousands of overnight shipments with Fedex. In addition to the two problems I mentioned, they occasionally drop off my packages at the wrong address, and vice versa.
Yikes, good luck!
The only issue I’ve had with UPS it them dropping damaged packages on my doorstep that required signature.
Now FedEx, the only time someone sends me FedEx, is with “Smart Post” which is just an annoying PITA.
Although, it seems that UPS now does “Sure Post(?)” which is the same darn thing…
I was reading about Smart Post earlier today. I didn't know UPS had something similar. I hope UPS & Fedex have an arrangement with Amazon to automatically to do *Post when needed, especially for Prime members. That shouldn't really be required though since Amazon should have a simple address filter to check for shipments that will only work with USPS or this new *Post arrangement. I occasionally trek, and hope to start bike touring, past small towns where I can only pick up packages from the post office. I rarely order things during a long hike unless something breaks or it's time for a fresh set of shoes, and then a moderate inconvenience can become severe if I have to deal with a bad courier.
At least Amazon refunded me the overnight fee when I asked them for it. It's not much money, but it's about all I can do to encourage them to expect better out of their couriers.
Fyi, fwiw, this wasn't a last minute Christmas order.